Chapter 15

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Niall POV

"Nah, Ed it's fine." I said.

Ed had just told the band that he had been offered a solo record deal and that he had to leave the band. 

"I'm sorry lads, will you be alright for the gig this weekend? I have to go to LA to meet a producer." Ed said. He looked truly sorry.

"It's all good mate, we're happy for you." Tom said.

"Yeah, good luck man." Will added.

"Thank you guys. I'm really sorry." Ed replied.


The next day was the first day back at school. I hadn't seen Harry and Liam yet today and I wanted to ask Harry if he wanted to join the band, he was a really good singer.

Lottie caught up with me in the hallway, slipping her hand into mine. She was about three months pregnant now.

"Hey, how was history?" I asked.

"Shit like always." Lottie replied.

We found Harry and Liam in our usual lunch spot.

"Hey Harry, Ed got a record deal and had to leave the band, so we were wondering... would you want to join?" I asked.

"Seriously? You want me to join your band?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Hell yeah, I'll join, thanks mate." Harry said and he hugged me.


That afternoon was our first band practice with Harry. We wanted to just go over a few of our songs with Harry singing instead of Ed. 

"Alright, we're just going to do Don't Forget Where You Belong, you've got the lyrics. Are you ready?" I asked Harry.

"Yeah, let's do it." Harry said and he positioned himself in front of the mic. Will counted us in with his drums and we started. 

"Been a lot of places..." Harry started singing. 

After practice I gave Harry a lift home.

"You were honestly really good, do you think you'll be ready for the gig on Saturday?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I practically know the songs off by heart already. Thanks so much Nialler, I've always wanted to be in a band." he replied.

"No problem Harold, thank you by the way, we wouldn't be very good with only three people." I said. I pulled up outside his house and we said goodbye, then I carried on up the road to Lottie's house.

"Hey." I said, finding Lottie in her room reading a book.

"Hey Niall." Lottie replied.

I took off my jacket and flopped down on the bed beside her.

"What are you reading?" I asked.

"A pregnancy book." Lottie replied.

"Can I read it?" I asked.

"You want to read it?" Lottie asked.

"Of course, I need to know what's going to go on." I replied.

"I love you." Lottie said and I leaned down to give her a kiss.

"Love you too Lots." I replied.


Harry POV

I was in a fucking band! The first thing I did when I got back from the first practice was text Louis.

Harry: Hey babe, you know how Ed left Niall's band?

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