Chapter 20

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Niall POV

I woke up around seven o'clock. The sun was rising outside and Lottie was still fast asleep. I slipped out of bed and kicked my guitar which was leaning on the bed. It fell to the floor with a loud ringing note and I scrambled out of bed to shut it up.

"Niall?" Lottie asked sleepily.

"Yeah, sorry about that babe. Go back to sleep." I whispered.

Lottie mumbled something and closed her eyes.

I grabbed some of my sweatpants and pulled them on, along with a t-shirt and then crept out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind me.

I met Louis on the stairs, he still looked half asleep.

"You alright mate?" I asked.

"I'm knackered. I can't sleep though." Louis replied.

"Let's go get a cup of tea and make some breakfast." I said and I put my arm around Louis and led him into the kitchen.

I made two cups of Yorkshire tea and set one down in front of Louis, who was sitting on a barstool. Then I started making pancakes.

After about half an hour Johannah came downstairs.

"Oh, thanks for making breakfast Niall." she said, giving me a hug.

"No problemo." I replied.

Once I had a good stack of pancakes I washed the empty mixing bowl and then moved a few pancakes onto another plate for Lottie. I made another cup of tea and went back upstairs.

 It looked like Lottie was still asleep so I put the breakfast down on the bedside table and got back into bed, shimmying up behind her.

"Morning." I whispered, kissing the back of her neck.

"Morning." Lottie whispered back.

She turned around to face me and gave me a kiss, then cuddled into my chest.

"I brought pancakes." I said.

"Ooo." Lottie said, suddenly wide awake. I laughed as she sat up and I grabbed the plate of pancakes and put it down on the blanket between us.

"Oi, some of it's for me." I said as she cut out a large piece of the pancake.

Lottie moved the forkful up to my mouth and fed it to me.

"Fank oo." I said with difficulty.

"You're welcome, I love you." Lottie said.

"Love oo too." I replied, still with a mouthful of pancake.

Lottie laughed and waited until I'd swallowed before kissing me.


At eleven o'clock we got in the car to go to the doctors for our quarter past eleven appointment.

"Hi there, we have an appointment for Lottie Tomlinson." I said to the receptionist.

"Yes, go take a seat and the doctor will be with you soon." the receptionist replied.

We sat down in the waiting room and Lottie grabbed my hand.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah." Lottie replied.

After a few minutes Doctor Spencer called us into her room and asked Lottie a few questions about how the pregnancy was going.

"Have you felt any kicking or anything?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, actually, yesterday." Lottie replied.

"Very good. Follow me to the ultrasound room." she said and she led us down a corridor into the room we went in before. Lottie laid down on the bed and the doctor spread the gel over her stomach.

"Ah, this is interesting." Doctor Spencer said after a few minutes.

"What, what's interesting?" I asked.

"It seems that you're having twins Lottie." Doctor Spencer said.

My jaw dropped. Lottie looked up at me.

"See, there's two little heads there." the doctor said, turning the screen around and pointing out the little shapes.

"How come you didn't see it before?" I asked.

"Well, sometimes they hide behind each other, especially on the first scan when they're so small. Would you like to know the sexes?" Doctor Spencer asked.

"Yes please." Lottie replied.

We had decided to know so we knew what to buy and what to expect.

Doctor Spencer moved the little remote around a bit more, watching the screen.

"Ah, alright, you have a little girl and a little boy in there." she said.

"Wow." I said.

"Would you like pictures?" the doctor asked.

"Yes please." Lottie replied.

"I'll be right back." Doctor Spencer said and then she left the room.

"So. Twins." Lottie said.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Are you happy?" Lottie asked.

"Yeah, are you?" I asked.

"Yes, but it's a little scary." Lottie replied.

"We'll be alright, don't worry. I love you." I said.

"I love you too." Lottie replied, stroking my hand with her thumb.

I quickly bent down to kiss her before the doctor came back in, carrying a few photographs.

"Here you go. I'm going to say around the first of July will be the due date, judging from this new information. Congratulations." she said, passing the photos to me.

Once we were back in the car Lottie asked me again if everything was okay.

"Well, maybe I'm a little scared about raising two kids, but I'd rather have two that none." I replied.

"Really? You're really happy about having a baby? Or two?" Lottie asked.

"This again Lots? Listen, I love you so much and since our very first date I've dreamed of marrying you and having a family with you and who cares if it's a little early? I'd rather have two babies with you at eighteen than none at all. I love you so much and I'm so happy so please stop doubting me." I said.

"I'm sorry, I love you too." Lottie replied and she hugged me over the center console. I kissed her on the top of her head and pulled the pictures out of my pocket.

"And besides, these little kids are so fucking cute already." I said, showing her the ultrasound.

"Niall it's just two black and white blobs, they don't have features yet." Lottie replied.

"Well I can see it. This little baby here is going to play football with me and have your beautiful face. And this one is going to have wonderful Irish hair and the legendary Tomlinson sassiness." I said, pointing at the two little blobs.

Lottie laughed and kissed me.

Lottie's Brother #2Where stories live. Discover now