Chapter 18

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Harry POV

I woke up on my birthday with a text from Louis. It was the first time he'd contacted me in the last two weeks since we'd broke up. I turned on my phone and opened the message.

Louis: Happy 18th Harry. Sorry I can't spend it with you x

I thought about what to reply with for a few minutes.

Harry: Thank you, I'm sorry too

Then I shook Louis out of my head and got up to start the day, it was my birthday! Gemma was downstairs making breakfast.

"Happy Birthday little bro." she said, hugging me.

"Thanks." I replied. 

She flipped some pancakes onto a plate and gave it to me. 

"Mum and Robin are in the living room, let's go and eat in there." Gemma said and we went into the living room where Mum and Robin were sitting on the couch.

I set down the pancakes and Mum gave me a hug.

"Happy birthday." Robin said, hugging me next.

Mum reached behind the couch and pulled out a guitar case.

"Happy Birthday." Mum said, passing the case to me.

"You didn't." I said, amazed, as I put the case down on the carpet and opened it to reveal a brand new acoustic guitar reflecting the light of the room.

After we ate our pancakes I went to get ready for school. I brang my new guitar, school bag and duffel bag downstairs because I was sleeping over at Liam's that night.

I checked my hair in the mirror just as the doorbell rang and Mum opened the door for Liam.

"Hey Harold, happy birthday." Liam said, hugging me.

"Thanks Payno." I replied.

Gemma came downstairs and gave Liam a hug and a kiss.

"Alight, we'd better go. Enjoy your concert tonight babe." Liam said and he kissed Gemma on the cheek quickly and carried my duffel bag out to the car. I said goodbye to my Mum, Robin and Gemma and followed Liam, putting my new guitar in the back.

We drove to school where Niall and Lottie were waiting for us.

"Hey, happy birthday." Lottie said, hugging me and kissing me on the cheek.

"Yeah, happy eighteenth mate." Niall said, hugging me next.

The bell rang and we all went off for first period Science. The school day passed quite quickly and then we were getting into Liam's car and driving off to his house. When I'd told Niall about my new guitar at lunch he'd got very excited and dragged us off to Liam's car to look at it.

We got to Liam's house and grabbed our things, heading up to his room. 

Liam's room was very organized and rather small. He had a double bed in the corner, a desk with some homework on it, the windowsill decorated with various trophies and a big chest of drawers with a tv on top. I noticed Gemma's favourite hoodie hanging on the back of the desk chair.

Niall grabbed an Eagles shirt out of his bag and changed out of his uniform, after dancing around in his boxers first. Lottie rolled her eyes and said she was going to go and get changed in the bathroom. Me and Liam also undid out ties and our uncomfortable school clothes and changed in jeans and hoodies.

Then we switched on the tv and played some Xbox for a bit. At five o'clock we went downstairs to make homemade pizzas for dinner with one of Liam's sisters. Geoff and Karen, Liam's parents, got home and thanked us for making dinner.

"You can go and eat up in your room if you want." Karen said.

"Thanks mum." Liam said and we grabbed three pizzas and some drinks and went back upstairs.

Lottie put on a movie and opened a can of Coke. 

"Sorry you're stuck with that instead of a beer Lots." Niall said, reaching for a beer.

"It's fine, I'm not a Guinness-crazed Irishman like you." Lottie replied.

"That baby probably wants a Guinness, they're half Irish remember." Niall said, winking.

"Shut up Niall." Lottie said, laughing.

"Happy first non-illegal beer Harry." Liam said, clinking his bottle against mine.

"Cheers." I said, laughing.

We watched the movie and then at eight o'clock we walked down to the pub for another drink, seeing as I was eighteen now.

Me, Niall and Liam had a pint each and Lottie had a ginger beer. We watched a football game that was playing on the tv in the corner and then at nine o'clock we went back home and put on another movie.

Liam brought out a cake and they all sang me happy birthday half way through the movie. 

Lottie fell asleep on Niall's shoulder around eleven fifteen.

"You guys can sleep in my sister Nicola's room, she's not home." Liam said so Niall scooped Lottie up in his arms and got up.

"Jesus Christ, that baby really adds weight." Niall said.

"Hey." Lottie mumbled.

"At least I didn't think it was you babe." Niall said and he said goodnight and left.

"Alright, let's go to sleep too." Liam said and I sat down on the air mattress on the floor and wriggled into the sleeping bag there.

"Here's a pillow." Liam said and he threw me a pillow from his bed and pulled the covers over himself.

"Liam." I said.

"What?" he asked. 

"This pillow smells like my sister." I said.

"It'll smell like home." Liam said and he flicked off the bedside lamp.

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