Chapter 6

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Lottie POV

This was the third day that this had happened, my period hadn't come, it was time to face the facts.

"I think I'm pregnant." I said and then I started crying again, hugging Gemma tightly on the bathroom floor while she rubbed my back.

"It's alright Lottie. We'll figure it out." she said.

"What am I going to tell Niall?" I asked, my voice muffled in her shoulder.

"He'll understand, don't worry, he loves you." Gemma replied.

"Thanks Gems." I said and she smiled.

After a few more minutes she handed me some toilet paper to dry my face and helped me up.

"Here, come lie down in my bed." she said and I followed her into her bedroom.

"Get up Liam." Gemma said, prodding Liam in the back.

"What's going on?" Liam asked, half asleep.

"Can you go and cuddle Harry or something? I need to talk to Lottie, it's a women thing." Gemma said.

Liam nodded and got out of the bed, pulling some sweatpants over his boxers and then leaving the room.

Gemma gestured for me to lie down and I got into the bed. 

"Go back to sleep Lottie, everything will be fine." Gemma said and I closed my eyes, crying was very tiring.


I woke up when someone got into the bed next to me and spooned me. I turned around to Niall and he grabbed my hand. 

"Are you alright darling? Gemma said you were having some kind of a womanly problem." Niall said.

"I'll be fine, I'm just tired." I said, I didn't want to tell him yet.

"Ok, well go back to sleep then, I love you." Niall said.

"Wait don't go!" I said loudly, suddenly scared to be left by myself.

"I'm not going anywhere love." Niall replied soothingly and he kissed my cheek and pulled me closer into his chest, wrapping his arm around me.


Harry POV

I was woken up by Liam joining me in bed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked.

"Gemma kicked me out of bed, she needed to talk to Lottie about some woman thing." Liam mumbled, his eyes were already closed and his face was smooshed into my pillow.

"Whatever, just don't drool on my pillow." I said and I got out of bed, got dressed and went downstairs, leaving Liam to sleep.

Mum was in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea.

"Morning Mum." I said, making myself one.

"Morning Harry." Mum replied.

I sat down on the couch and opened my phone. Before long Niall came downstairs, his hair ruffled up and his baggy t-shirt falling off his shoulders. 

"Hey Harold. Have you seen Lottie?" he asked, sitting down next to me.

"I think she's talking to Gemma, Liam said that she had a womanly problem." I replied.

"Oh." Niall said and he pulled out his phone too.

Another few minutes passed and Gemma came downstairs with Liam.

"Is Lottie alright?" Niall asked Gemma.

"Yeah, she's sleeping. She just needed a girl to talk to." Gemma replied. Niall nodded and joined me in the kitchen to help make breakfast.

After we'd eaten our waffles we played some Xbox and Niall went upstairs to see Lottie.


The weekend finished and everyone went home. On Monday morning it was the last week of term before the Christmas holidays, which everyone was looking forward to.

After school me, Gemma, Mum and Mum's boyfriend Robin decorated the house. We put the Christmas tree up, hung fairy lights outside, put various Christmas ornaments around the house and made Christmas mince pies.

I sent a photo to Louis after we'd finished.

Louis: Looks good Haz, on Friday I'm coming down for the rest of the holidays so I'll see you soon

Harry: Perfect Lou, I miss you

Louis: Miss you too love

Harry: What are you doing?

Louis: Just hanging out with everyone

Harry: Sounds like fun, I'll talk to you later alright?

Louis: Yep, love you

Harry: Love you too

After dinner I had a shower and did some homework then got into bed and watched a movie.

I sent Louis a quick goodnight text and a kissy face emoji and then turned off my phone and went to sleep.

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