Chapter 10

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Louis POV

It had been a while since I'd woken up in Harry's arms and it was a pleasant surprise as I smelt his hair and everything from the night before came back to me. I'd never experienced sex like that before.

Harry looked so peaceful and I tried to wriggle out of his grip without waking him but he squeezed my arm and his eyes cracked sleepily open.

"Morning babe." he said, his voice incredibly deep.

"Morning love. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I replied.

"It's alright Lou, now I get to see your cute bum when you get out of bed." Harry said and his fingers found my ass and gave me a little pinch.

I chuckled and gave him a kiss before throwing back the covers and getting out of bed.

"Oh shit." I said, a bit loudly. That was fucking painful. Maybe topping was better?

"I'm sorry." Harry said from the bed.

"It's fine, it was worth it." I replied.

"Does that mean you want me to top again?" Harry asked, smirking.

"You could do that to me every fucking day." I said.

Harry laughed and got out of bed too, hugging me from behind and pressing his lips to my neck.

"Not now Harry." I sighed, shrugging his arm off.

I opened a drawer and grabbed some underwear, pulling them on, along with sweatpants and a shirt. Harry got a pair of my boxers and started to get dressed too.

I grabbed his hand and we went downstairs, I was still limping and waddling slightly, how did Harry deal with this all the time?

Liam and Gemma were half asleep and half awake on the blow-up air mattress and Niall and Lottie came downstairs just after us.

Lottie was wearing one of Niall's shirts.

"Urgh, you guys really couldn't keep it down last night could you?" Lottie sighed, switching on the kettle.

"Yeah, we don't need to hear every part of your shagging." Niall added.

I smacked the back of his head as I walked past.

"Hey, how dare you hit me, I'm the father of your niece or nephew." Niall said, pretending to be deeply offended.

"Anyway Nialler, you excited for your show tonight?" Harry cut in, changing the subject.

"So fucking excited mate. I'll need to head off after lunch, but you guys are all coming down right?" Niall asked.

"Course." Liam said, finally getting out of bed.

Gemma got up as well and helped Lottie make teas and started talking to her about the pregnancy again.

The boys made breakfast, just simple stuff, toast and cereal. They all sat down at the kitchen table to eat and then Gemma went upstairs for a shower, Liam said he was going down to the gym and that he'd be back for lunch and Lottie and Niall were going to watch a movie.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked Harry.

"Sure." Harry replied, so we put on our shoes and left the house.

"It is as hard for you as it is for me that I never get to see you?" Harry asked after a few minutes.

"Of course, every day I just want to give you a kiss and talk to you. I love you H." I replied, reaching for his hand.

"I love you too." Harry replied.

"Do you mind if I have a smoke?" I asked.

"No." Harry replied so I grabbed my lighter and pack of cigarettes from my pocket, putting one between my lips and lighting it.

I took a long drag and then blew out the smoke. Harry grabbed the cigarette from my hand and brang it to his lips, having a breath of it and coughing.

"Why did you do that darling? You don't smoke." I asked.

"Felt like it, besides when I kiss you you taste like cigarettes and I've kind of got used to it." Harry replied, handing the cigarette back to me.


After our walk we got back and Liam was there, fresh from his after gym shower, heating up the leftover pizza with Niall.

They set out the plates on the table and we started eating, it wasn't bad.

After five pieces Niall stuffed the last bit of crust into his mouth, got up, hoisted his guitar case over his shoulder, kissed the top of Lottie's head and said goodbye, leaving the house. Soon the sound of his car starting came and then we heard him leaving the driveway.

Lottie gave a sudden sob and dropped her piece of pizza, getting up as well and running upstairs.

"Lottie!" Gemma called after her and she ran upstairs as well.

I pushed back my chair and followed the girls upstairs, leaving Harry and Liam at the table.

Lottie was in her room, sitting on the bed with Gemma.

"What's wrong love?" I asked.

Lottie wiped her eyes with her sleeve and sniffed. I sat down on her other side and hugged her.

"What's wrong?" I repeated.

"I've messed everything up Lou, me and Niall aren't ready to be parents. And Niall's band is going really well at the moment and he's going to have to worry about a baby, but he shouldn't have to." Lottie said and she hid her face in my shoulder.

I rubbed her back comfortingly.

"It's alright Lots, you and Niall are just going to have to deal with it. And that baby is going to be so loved and Niall totally understands, he's super excited. He loves you and he would rather give it all up than leave you by yourself with the baby." I assured her.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"Well, last night, I asked him." I said.

Lottie looked up at me.

"You're my sister Lottie and I wasn't going to let him run off. I needed to know that he was going to treat you right. And I totally think he will." I said.

"Thanks Louis. He told me that he was happy but I wasn't sure you know?" Lottie replied.

"See Lottie, everything's going to be alright." Gemma said. I held out my arm and she joined our hug.

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