Chapter 17

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Harry POV

I don't even know why I did it. I've never even thought of breaking up with Louis before today. It was true that things weren't the same and I do think that ending it was the right decision, but I also feel like shit.

As I started driving home I let myself have a bit of a cry. I mean, I love him, it deserves a cry.

When I pull up outside the house I hurry inside, hoping no one was home.

"I thought you were seeing Louis?" Gemma asked. She was sitting on the couch.

"Are you alright Harry?" she asked, noticing my tear-stained face.

"Not really. I just broke up with Louis." I said.

"What? What happened?" she asked.

So I spent the next half an hour talking to Gemma and then Mum got home from work and I had to tell everything over again. 

"Oh, my baby's first broken heart." Mum said, hugging me.

"What do you want to do tonight?" Gemma asked.

"I, uh, I need to go see Niall." I said, suddenly realizing what I wanted to do.

"Oh, ok." Mum said.

"I should be back later, I'll get myself dinner." I said and I hurried out to my car.

I drove to Niall's house and knocked on the door.

"Hello Harry, how are you?" Maura, Niall's mum asked, answering the door.

"I'm good thank you." I replied, I couldn't be bothered going into my problems with Niall's mum.

"Niall's in his room." Maura said.

"Thank you." I replied and I went upstairs and into Niall's room.

"Oh shit." I said, opening the door to see Niall and Lottie kissing on the bed.

"Wait, wait Harry. What are you doing here?" Niall asked.

"Oh nothing, just watching my best friends snogging." I said sarcastically.

"What's going on Harry? You look awful." Lottie said.

"Uhh, I broke up with Louis." I said, sighing and flopping down on the bed.

"You did what?" Lottie asked.

"I broke up with Louis. We've just been off lately, it was right thing to do." I said.

"Sorry mate." Niall said. 

"Oh yeah, that's why I came here." I said, spotting Niall's guitars in the corner of his room.

"Why?" Niall asked.

"I need to borrow one of your guitars." I said.

"Oh, okay. Here take this one, a Martin DJR Semi-Acoustic, polished and tuned only this morning." Niall said proudly, taking one of his guitars off a stand.

"Perfect, thank you. I'll look after it don't worry." I said.

"I trust you. Just know that this guitar cost me more than every birthday present I've ever got you and that I would rather push my house off a cliff than lose this guitar." Niall said, putting it into a case and closing the lid.

"Do you need a minute with the guitar in private?" I asked.

"Take the damn thing you cockhead." Niall said, handing me the guitar.

"Alright thank you, happy snogging, but no sex that's probably not good for the baby." I said and then I hurried downstairs and said goodbye to Niall's parents, got in the car and drove to the river, stopping by McDonalds to buy some dinner.

I got the guitar and my food and went to sit at a park bench by the riverside. It was eight o'clock and the sun had set a while ago, leaving me in semi-darkness.

I ate my burger and then wiped my hands on my shirt, knowing Niall would kill me if I got grease on his guitar, then I opened the case and got the guitar out.

I grabbed my notebook from my pocket and set it out on the park bench. I plucked away at the strings for a bit to find the right tune and mumbled words under my breath, scribbling down lines in the notebook.

At nine o'clock I got a text from my mum asking when I would be home. I told her that I was sleeping over at Niall's.

By half past nine I played what I had written and then gathered my things and drove back to Niall's house.

Harry: I'm outside, can I come in?

Niall: Yeah, come on up.

So I got the guitar and went inside, going up to Niall's room. It was only Niall there, Lottie must of gone home and he was playing Xbox and drinking a can of Coke.

"What's going on mate, why'd you need to run off with my guitar?" Niall asked, turning off the console.

"I needed to write a song." I said.

"Ah, so you're the writing heartbreak songs guy." Niall said.

"Something wrong with that?" I asked.

"Not all, you're talking to guy who wrote Heartbreak Weather. Anyway, show us what you got." Niall replied.

I pulled out the guitar and took a deep breath before starting.

"Sweet Creature, had another talk about where it's going wrong..."

"So." Niall said, when I'd finished. He looked to be doing some confusing thinking.

"The song is about you and Louis and how you're in love but something's gone wrong, but he's going to bring you back home because he's your Sweet Creature and you're going to get back together?" Niall asked.

"Very good interpretation, except I'm not saying we're going to get back together, I'm saying that I'll always love him and that if I need him then I know he'll always be there." I said.

"One hell of a song man, well done." Niall said, shaking my hand.

"I just have one question." Niall said.

"So you say he's your "Sweet Creature". Has he ever acted like some kind of creature or something in bed?" Niall asked thoughtfully.

"What the fuck goes on in your head?" I asked.

"Well?" Niall asked.

"No, what the fuck? I mean that he's, he's, I don't fucking know!" I said.

"Ok." Niall replied.


I'm sorry, I don't even know what this chapter is.

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