Chapter 11

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Harry POV

Niall's gig was really good, they sold a bunch of CD's and everyone in the festival was cheering for them. I'd never seen Niall so excited, playing the guitar back to back with Ed and dancing around as he sang into his microphone. Once he got off stage he downed a shot and kissed Lottie, on a massive adrenaline rush.

We didn't get home until past one a.m. and I was too tired to do anything other than kiss Louis goodnight and hold him close as we fell asleep.

In the morning I had to go to work at the bakery and Louis said that he'd see me tomorrow, which was the 22nd of December. I spent the day giving people their bread and other goods, dressed in my usual apron. 

I got home around four o'clock and made myself a bowl of cereal before sitting down to watch tv. Gemma came downstairs at half past five and helped me, Mum and mum's boyfriend Robin make dinner.

We sat down at the table and ate our homemade sushi. 

"Do you kids want to watch a movie tonight?" Mum asked.

And so after dinner we put our plates in the dishwasher and sat down to watch Home Alone. It was very Christmassy, we had hot chocolate and the Christmas tree lights were twinkling in the corner.

In the morning I texted Louis and told him to come over. I stayed in bed, waiting for him. Mum wasn't working until after the New Year and Robin pretty much lived here so they would just tell him I was in my room when he showed up.

Louis said that he had a few things to do and that he would be over sometime in the next hour so I buried myself down into my warm bed and fell back to sleep.

"Hazza?" Louis asked, sliding into bed beside me.

"Morning." I replied.

He laughed and gave me a kiss.

"Do you want to go Christmas shopping?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, but let me have a shower first." I said and I wriggled out of bed and went into the bathroom.

I had a shower and then wrapped a towel around my waist and went back into my bedroom.

Louis wolf-whistled as I dropped the towel to pull some clothes on. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up, throwing him his jacket, which he had dropped on the floor when he got into the bed.

We went downstairs and I said good morning to Mum and Robin then we went outside in the cold December air and got into the car, driving to the shopping mall.

"Where to first?" Louis asked, holding my hand as we entered the mall.

"Food." I replied and Louis laughed as I hurried to the Subway across the food court, dragging him along with me.

"I forgot you haven't had breakfast. Here love, I'll buy you a sub." Louis said and we got a six inch sub each and a bottle of Coke to share.

After we'd eaten we went shopping. I bought a necklace for Gemma, a box of beer for Robin, a candle making kit for Mum, a little plastic guitar on a stand for Niall, a pair of dumbbells' for Liam, a bracelet and a matching ring for Lottie and now I had to get something for Louis.

"Babe, go and get something for me and I'll get something for you and I'll meet you back at the car okay?" I said.

"Alright." Louis said and he pressed his lips against mine and squeezed my bum and then he was gone. I headed into his favourite clothes store and after a while I found a denim jacket that looked really cool so I bought that. I would give him that for Christmas but now I needed to get him a birthday present so after a while I found a dressing gown that he would look cute in in the morning so I got that.

I texted Louis and he said he was done so I grabbed my piles of shopping bags and went out to the car.

On the way home Louis dropped me at my house.

"I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" Louis asked.

"Of course baby, it's your birthday. I'll see in the morning." I said and I leaned across the center console and pressed my lips to his, moving together. Louis deepened the kiss and I felt his tongue. His other hand moved from the steering wheel into my hair but I pulled away.

"I'll see you tomorrow Lou." I said and I quickly moved closer to give him one last kiss before getting out of the car, grabbing my shopping bags and blowing him a kiss.

I went up to my room and wrapped up all the presents and wrote a birthday card for Louis.


Before I went to sleep I sent a winky emoji to Louis and set my alarm for half past six.

He replied with a question mark but I ignored it, switching off my phone and going to sleep.

My alarm woke me up early and I grabbed Louis' birthday present and card and pulled on some sweatpants and a hoodie, going downstairs. I left a note on the fridge saying that I'd gone to Louis' and then pulled a jacket over my hoodie, leaving the house.

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