Chapter 4

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Louis POV

The next month went by quite quickly. Niall and Ed had booked their first studio session and it was next week. My mum had lunch with me sometimes when she could get off work, Harry usually came and spent every second weekend with me and sometimes Lottie and Niall joined us for dinner.

This weekend I was going back home to spend the weekend with my mum, sister and Harry.

After my class on Friday morning I went back to my flat for lunch where everyone except Ed was eating in the kitchen.

"Hey Louis are you going back home for the weekend?" Ollie asked as I constructed myself a sandwich.

"Yep, gotta see the family." I replied.

"And the boyfriend." Zayn added, smirking.

I rolled my eyes and smacked him on the back of the head with my sandwich as I walked past. 

"I like Harry Louis, he's nice." Megan said.

"And definitely cute." Ellie added.

"Hey he's mine." I replied.

"Well I got to get to class, see you later guys." Ollie said and he put his plate in the dishwasher, swung his bag onto his shoulder and left the kitchen.

"Me too." Eleanor said.

"Me three." I added.

"Me four." Zayn said.

"Not us, we're going to go watch Grey's Anatomy." Ellie said, indicating her and Megan.

"See ya." I said and me, Zayn and Eleanor walked down to the bus station and got our buses to our different lectures.


After class I went back home and packed my bag and called an Uber, seeing as I didn't have a car. I said goodbye to all my flat mates and went back home, arriving before Mum got back from work or Lottie got back from school.

I tossed my bag into my bedroom and flopped down on the couch in the living room, turning my phone on and opening Instagram.

I spent the next hour on my phone and then the front door crashed open and Niall and Lottie came inside, kissing furiously.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah!" I shouted.

They leapt apart and Lottie wiped her mouth, obviously embarrassed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked.

"I'm visiting, did Mum not tell you?" I replied.

"Obviously not!" Lottie shouted.

"Jesus Christ, whatever. I'm going to go to Harry's." I said and I passed them both standing in the doorway and walked down the street to Harry's house.

I knocked on the door and it was a while before he answered. I knew he wasn't expecting me because I'd wanted to surprise him.

"Surprise!" I said when he opened the door.

Harry laughed and hugged me, we spun around a bit and then he kissed me, our lips fitting together for the first time since last weekend. Harry's tongue swiped my lips and I let him in, pulling our faces even closer.

We pulled apart, breathing heavily.

"Nice to see you too." I said, laughing.


"I'm sorry love, I have to go because Mum will be home soon, she'll be expecting me." I said.

Me and Harry were sat on the couch cuddling and kissing.

"I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" Harry asked.

"Yes indeed." I replied and I kissed his slightly red lips one more time and disentangled myself from him, walking to the door.

"Love you!" I called.

"Love you too Lou!" Harry replied.

I walked back home and into the house, thankfully Niall was not around, only Lottie watching the news on tv. 

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." she replied.

I sat down next to her and focused my attention on the tv.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm home late, I had to drop Richard home." Mum said as she came into the house, putting her workbag down by the door and kissing both of our foreheads.

"Now how about we get some takeouts and watch Grease?" she asked.

Grease was my favourite movie after playing Danny Zuko in the school performance two years ago and Mum knew that I loved it. Mum called for pizza and Lottie got us glasses of wine while I set up the movie.

We started the movie and fifteen minutes later the pizza arrived. It was extremely nice spending some time with my mum and my sister and I decided I definitely needed to come here more.


The next morning I called Harry and told him to come round. He arrived ten minutes later and hugged my mum, then Lottie and then me, but he kept his arm around my waist as we talked to my mum.

"Alright then, I'll let you go." Mum said and we laughed and went up to my room.

We lay down in bed and simply looked at other. Harry's bright green eyes were gorgeous. The door opened and Lottie walked in, laying herself down on the bed with her maths book.

"Hey H, do you understand anything about what she said yesterday? Because it sounded like confusing bullshit to me." Lottie said, showing Harry a page in her book.

"Lottie, can't you see we're in the middle of something?" I asked.

"You're giving each other creepy love stares it's not like you're giving him head or anything." Lottie replied.

"Well maybe I would have been if you hadn't come in." I said.

There was silence for a few moments.

"Anyway, about question four..." Lottie continued, turning everyone's attention back to her maths.

I'm sorry I don't really know what this chapter is

Lottie's Brother #2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora