Chapter 5

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Harry POV

On Sunday Louis went back to university and I went round for dinner at Liam's house. We played Xbox for a while and then I decided to head home.

"See you tomorrow." I said and I drove home.

I made sure I had everything I needed for school the next day, had a shower and got into bed, sending a text to Louis.

Harry: Night Lou, I love you

Louis: Love you too Hazza

Harry: I had fun this weekend

Louis: Me too, are you coming here next week?

Harry: I can't because we're having a sleepover with Niall, Liam and Lottie

Louis: Alright, sleep well love

Harry: You too xx

I shut off my phone and pulled the blankets higher up around my head. It was hard having a boyfriend who I only got to see on some weekends. As soon as he was here he was leaving again.


In the morning I got ready for school and drove by Liam's house to pick him up seeing as his car was getting fixed at the mechanics.

"Are you excited for this weekend?" I asked.

"Yeah, should be fun." Liam replied.

We got to school and I parked, spotting Niall's car across the lot. He was leaning against it talking to Lottie. 

"What's going on?" I asked when we had got out of the car and joined them.

"Nothing much, just telling Niall about what I heard through the wall on Saturday night." Lottie said, grinning mischievously.

"You didn't?" I replied.

"Yeah she did Mr. 'oh fuck me harder Lou'." Niall said, making disturbing moaning sounds.

I shoved Niall, in what was meant to be a playful way but he hit the car and fell to the floor.

"Shit Niall, sorry. Are you okay?" I asked.

He groaned and opened his eyes.

"I'll be okay if you do that again Lou, oh sweet mercy of fuck." Niall said from the ground. Liam and Lottie burst out laughing. I kicked Niall in the back.

The bell rang from inside the school and Liam helped Niall up.

"C'mon then, let's go to Social Studies." Niall said to me and Liam.

"Video it if Niall starts imitating Harry again, I want to see a fight." Lottie whispered to Liam and then she hurried off in the other direction for her English class.


Luckily Niall stopped imitating my sex noises and seemed more interested in his upcoming studio session. Ed was coming down on Saturday morning and they were going to be in the studio from ten a.m. to one p.m.

Afterwards we were having a sleepover at my house.

The week went by pretty quickly and on Saturday morning I texted Niall to wish him luck, then I spent the morning at the bakery, working a double shift because someone was sick.

I made it back home by about one p.m. by which time Lottie was already there, sitting with Gemma on the couch. I made myself a bowl of cereal for lunch and by the time I finished it Niall arrived, bringing Liam with him.

"How was it babe?" Lottie asked, hugging Niall.

"It was amazing, there was so much cool stuff. And the guys there loved my songs." Niall said and we spent about half an hour discussing what happened in the studio.

"But here's the best part." Niall said.

"They said that if we play a few gigs and get some more fans then we could get a record deal." he announced.

"What would happen if you got a record deal?" I asked.

"Well, we'd get to record more music and release an album and then we'd probably tour around and play some pretty decent gigs, probably not Madison Square Garden or anything, but some pretty average places." Niall replied.


We got takeaways for dinner and watched movies. It was a bit depressing being the only one there without a girlfriend or a boyfriend but Louis had sent me a photo of him, Ed, Ollie and Zayn at the pub so I knew he was having fun, which I was glad about.

Around midnight Gemma and Liam were the first ones to say goodnight and go up to bed.

"Yeah, I'm going to go to bed too, you coming Lottie?" Niall asked.

"In a bit, I just want a quick cup of tea." Lottie replied.

"Ok." Niall said and he kissed her cheek and went upstairs to the guest bedroom.

Me and Lottie both made a cup of tea and we sat down in the kitchen.

"Harry do you have any chips?" Lottie asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said and I grabbed a packet of salt & vinegar chips out of the cupboard.

"Thanks, I just really wanted chips you know?" Lottie said and she ripped open the packet.

After we'd drunk our tea we went up to bed, Lottie joining Niall in the spare room and me going into my room.


Gemma POV

I woke up in the morning and left Liam sleeping in bed, going into the bathroom.

Lottie was in there though, throwing up into the toilet.

"God, Lottie." I said, reaching to hold her hair back for her.

"Uh." Lottie sighed, leaning back against the bathtub.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"No." Lottie said and then she started crying and I hugged her tightly.

"I think I'm pregnant." 

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