Chapter 7

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Lottie POV

After school on Monday Niall was going to the recording studio again with his band. I decided it really was time to tell him about the pregnancy.

"Can you come around after you're finished in the studio? I need to talk to you." I asked after school when we were walking to our cars.

"Of course, is everything alright?" Niall asked.

"Don't worry about it babe, I'll tell you later." I replied.

"Ok, I love you." Niall said and he gave a quick kiss and got into his car.

"Love you too." I replied. He smiled at me and started the car engine, blowing me a kiss as he reversed and drove out of the car park.

It was half past six when Niall arrived.

"Babe, guess what? We're performing this weekend at that festival in town. There's going to be so many people there." Niall said excitedly when he came in. I was sitting in the kitchen eating dinner, Mum was over at her boyfriend Richard's house.

"Really I'm so happy for you." I replied, hugging him.

He fixed himself a bowl of the pasta dish and sat down next to me.

We finished our dinner and then went up to my room, sitting down on the end of the bed.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Niall asked.

"Ok, um, I think I'm pregnant." I said.

"What?" Niall asked, he sounded shocked.

"I've been having morning sickness and my period hasn't come." I replied. I was crying now.

"Oh my god." Niall said, more to himself than me.

"I'm sorry!" I said and I hid my face in my hands.

"Woah, Lots, what are you sorry about? This isn't your fault, it's going to be ok." Niall said, worrying that he'd made me upset. He pulled my hands away from my face and hugged me. I buried my face in his chest, crying and crying.

"I've just ruined it all, we're only eighteen and your band is going really well and-" 

"You haven't ruined anything. I love you and I'm going to love that baby so much." Niall said. I pulled away from his chest to see that he had tears in his eyes too.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes really." he replied.

"I love you too Niall." I said.

"Now we need to make a doctor's appointment. You call them and I'll go make you some chocolate pudding all right?" Niall said.

I nodded and pulled out my phone to call the doctors.

Niall came back upstairs with two big bowls of chocolate pudding and icecream. He put the desert down on the bedside table, picked me up bridal style and pulled back the bedsheets, laying me down and then getting in beside me.

He handed me my bowl and it was delicious.

"Are you alright?" Niall asked.

"Yes, just tired." I replied.

"Ok, you go to sleep. I'm going to put these bowls in the dishwasher and go toilet and then I'll be back alright." Niall said and he gathered the dishes and left the room, flicking off the light as he went.

I pulled the sheets up higher and turned onto my side, facing the wall.

I heard Niall come in a minute later and I heard him taking off his shirt and jeans then he lifted up the blankets and got into bed as well. He shuffled closer to me and his cold feet brushed my leg.

He was the big spoon and I could feel his bare stomach against my back. He moved his arm over me and put his hand on my belly protectively, kissing the back of my neck.


In the morning Niall was there to hold back my hair when I threw up in the toilet. 

I had a shower while Niall made breakfast and then after we'd eaten and got our things we drove to school. We had decided not to tell anyone until after our doctors appointment that afternoon, when we could be sure.

The school day passed quite quickly and Niall drove us straight to the doctors after school. We went into the waiting room and Lottie gave her name.

"Doctor Spencer will be right with you." the receptionist said and we thanked her and sat down.

Dr. Spencer was our family doctor and she was very nice, she had been treating me and Louis since we were kids. 

"Are you nervous?" Niall asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Me too." Niall said.

He held my hand tightly as the doctor called our names.

"Hi Lottie, who's this?" Doctor Spencer asked.

"This is my boyfriend Niall." I said.

Niall shook the doctor's hand and we went into her room.

"So, I believe you're experiencing pregnancy symptoms?" she asked.

We talked for a bit and then she told me to go to the bathroom and take a urine test, which was a bit gross. When I came back she told us to wait for a bit and she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Niall let out a deep breath.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"This is fucking terrifying and I'm not even the one who's pregnant." Niall said.

I laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

A few minutes later the doctor came back in.

"Alright Lottie, congratulations, you're having a baby!" she announced.

I grinned and hugged Niall tightly, feeling him press a kiss to the top of my head.

"Would you like to come with me into the ultrasound room?" she asked and we followed her into a room with a physio bed, a tray of stuff and a little tv screen.

I laid down on the bed and lifted up my shirt. Niall held my hand and I winced slightly as the cold gel was spread around my stomach with the remote.

After a few minutes the doctor pointed at the screen where a tiny little mark was in the middle of the blackness.

"That's your baby." Doctor Spencer said.

I looked up at Niall who looked like he was going to cry and gave his hand a squeeze.

"I think you're about 5 weeks pregnant. You can come back at 18 weeks for another scan. I think you'll be due about 15 July." Doctor Spencer said.


After we'd finished in the doctors Niall dropped me back home.

"I don't even want to let you out of my sight." Niall said.

"I'll be fine Ni, I'll call you tonight." I said and I leaned across the center console to kiss him and then he lifted up my shirt and kissed my belly.

I laughed and got out of the car, blowing him a kiss as he waved.

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