Three little wolves

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Nala's POV 

She watched as Simon persuaded Elmer to help him. It was a suicide misson. Simon wasn't half as strong as her mom had been. But even more stubborn. She found herself smiling at that. You would have liked him, mom.  

Elmer shifted, shaking of his clothes as he went along. Simon looked at her and nodded. "Let's go" he said and started to shrink into a brown ball of fur. 

She shook her head at the two young men and their stupidity. They were really going to find the worst evil on this earth and Simon's plan was to... She wasn't even sure. But she changed into wolf form and followed them. 

They ran for more than two hours before the forest started smelling strangely. Sweet and almost poisonous. Oh, no. Hell no. No way she was going to a witch's house. 

She barked at Simon to get his attention. It was very troublesome not to be able to speak through a link but they hadn't joined the packs yet so all she could do for now was speak like a dog. 

Simon gave her what looked like an apologetic face and said that she could go back if she wanted. Like she was going to leave these two idiots on their own. 

Just like she had thought they ended up at a little hut. It was like a little cottage in the middle of the woods. A weed riddled road lead to the house, just big enough for a car if you were not scared to scrape its sides agains the trees. 

"I sent Cassian to this schaman years ago when he was looking for a way to get rid of the dark" Simon explains and claws at the front door. 

"No, he took me here to find a way to break the bond" Elmer corrects him and looks at the door with a grim expression. His nose sniffs it anxiously as if the familiar smells are making him worried. 

An old woman opens the door. 

"Aw, jeez. Not more wolves. You make terrible customers. Terrible" she mutters but leaves the door open as she truts back in. She looks at us like we are little puppies up for auction. She doesn't seem to like what she sees. "Well, turn so we can talk. I never bothered to learn dog" she points out. "Go behind there and cover yourselves with some blankets" she mutters and points to a little room on the side. 

Simon and Elmer turn around and change with their back to me. I am consious of Simon's warm presence behind me as I turn into my human shape. Quickly draping a wool blanket around me I look at them with burning cheeks. Come on now, Nala. You have seen naked boys before. 

Simon is not tall or big or anything really. Just perfect. Slightly sunburnt. Tassly hair and red cheeks and a lean chest that is just the right amount of hairy. I swallow my saliva. 

"Kids, at that" the witch mutters when she gets a look at us. Elmer does not look his age at the moment, as if a rough couple of months has made him thinner and paler than it should. As for me I know that I am young, but a kid?! 

"We came beacause we need to find my uncle. This is his mate and I know that there is a process in which you can use to bond to locate him" Simon states and looks at her with hopeful eyes as if she will help him if he just looks honest enough. He doesn't know witches. 

She grabs Elmers shoulder with a firm hand. "I don't sense much of a bond here. Very weak, if there even is one. Where were you bitten, child? I don't see any mark" she inquires. 

"Here" he says quietly and show her a slim silvery line of dots making an oval shape on his neck. 

"This was made a long time ago, how old are you really?" 

"I was here before. With my mate, a tall dark haired, angry man who wanted to know if there was a way to break our bond" Elmer reminds her. I can't imagin how painful that must have been. Or maybe he also wanted to be rid of Scar?

"The dark wolf" she states, suddenly remembering. Her eyes are locked on Elmer. "He wanted to know if there was a way to remove or seal his darkness. Foolish. You wolves never know how to adapt to the order of things, or how to make order in a mess. Messy, that is what you are" she muttered. 

"So he wasn't here to get rid of me?" Elmer asks, his heart bleeding out over the words. 

"No, but when I told him the state of things he begged me to break your bond to keep you out of it. But I told him there is no way. The Moon has her order and not even I can defy it. But I can help you locate him" she answers. 

"Yes, please!" Simon begs her. 

"Little one?" she asks Elmer. 

He doesn't say anything and I take my chance to remind him. "This is a witch, Elmer. She won't do it for free and no matter what you think you might understand from all of this she is lying. They all do" I warn him. 

The woman laughs and turns her knowing gaze at me. I start to feel small and unsecure again, just like back then but she just shakes her head. 

"Who went and ruined your trust, dear?" she asks. 

"I have dealt with witches before and I know what you are like" I tell her. 

"I am sure. So tell me, what happened?" she urges me. 

"I lost my sister and my mom and half of my pack beacuse she lied to us" I spit out before I realize what I am saying. 

"Ah, the dark one that went rogue and killed all those dogs? I heard about that. Not to long ago, was it? I am sorry that those you long for are not here. And the witch?" 

"Dead too, trying to stop... Trying to stop it" I say between gritted teeth. 

"Had she promised she could help? Make the dark one safe?" the witch asks. 

I nod, words to heavy to make their way up my throat. 

"I'd say she tried her best if she died trying but let me tell you that I think you were the one lying to yourself if you thought your sister could keep her true nature at bay" she tells me. 

"I never told you-" 

"I have lived for longer than nature would like, I have seen faces like yours, heard words like yours, seen eyes like yours. Even if you wouldn't like it to be your sorrow is a reappearing pattern in all living things. I make the connections, that is what witches do. I can se more than the dog at least" she explains but I still can't understand how. 

"The dark one was your sister?" Simon asks me and his eyes are so kind and full of worry and sympathy that I don't know how to answer that. I nod again, wiping a tear on the back of my hand. 

"Well, don't worry, little dear. I am not promising to fix this dark one, only to help you find him" she finishes the conversation and turns to Elmer again. "Ready?" she checks and he nods. "Now whatever you do, do not pull. Only follow. Bad things happen if you pull, hear?" 

Elmer nods and takes a deap breath as he closes his eyes. The witch grabs his shoulder again and starts to mumble something I've only heard once before. The ominous sound takes me right back to a battlefield full of my losses. 

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