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Trigger Warning: SA (brief non-consensual touching)

Nyla West

Harry was already gone when I woke up this morning.

Whatever mood he seemed to entail last night dragged into today and I realized he was gone when I strolled downstairs only to find an empty and silent penthouse.

Though I found myself enjoying the quiet after living through yesterday's horrific events. I surprisingly managed to get some decent sleep without any nightmares of the many people Harry killed before my eyes. I still felt deep guilt of the men who died, even if Harry told me they weren't good people. I did my best to shove those memories in the far back of my mind.

The only thing keeping me going this morning is the half day at work today. I wanted to sleep in all day, cuddled up with my care bear, locked in my room, but I knew since Harry let me take a couple hours off yesterday, I couldn't expect him to agree to it once more. Plus, he isn't even here for me to ask anyway.

I felt drained as soon as I woke up, leading me to dress extremely casual; my white oversized hoodie and black leggings, choosing my white sneakers to pair with it. I grabbed an apple from the counter and ate it on my way to work, needing at least some energy to get through half a day.

I've parked at work, locking my car to then discreetly scout out my surroundings for anyone that I stupidly thought looked like a Sydney. I've seriously lost a bit of my dignity with this entire situation going on. Sighing, I walk inside the building, scooting past numerous people in a hurry to get to their destinations.

A long, awkwardly silence filled elevator ride later with a couple other employees, I'm finally heading down the aisle towards my desk.

"Feeling comfy today?" A voice breaks me out of my thoughts; Sabrina.

Gently smiling, I laugh when she notices my outfit. "Yeah, it is only a half day today, so why not?" I move to sit on my chair, my computer humming to life.

Sabrina takes her usual stance next to me, leaning against my desk. "Trust me, Wednesdays will always be my favorite of the week just because it means half days for us." Her pearly white smile showcases in a laugh. "So where'd you go yesterday, couldn't find you all day."

I didn't even notice my smile completely disappearing when she asked, a cluster of memories I tried so hard pushing away barged to the front of my mind.

"Hey, I was just wondering, you don't have to answer if you don't want to..." She furrows her brows when she notices my change in expression, leaning in a bit closer in concern.

Shaking my head out of my thoughts, I clear my throat. "Sorry," I force a smile, "No it's nothing, I, uh, just had a job with Harry, so I was gone all day."

"Oh, how was it?" She wonders obliviously.


Though I swallow the lump forming in my throat and innocently smile back to her. "It was fine, not my ideal Tuesday since I spent the entire day with Harry, but it was alright." I play it off with a shrug.

"Spending any amount of time with Harry is miserable." She playfully rolls her eyes, a soft laugh escapes my lips until my smile instantly drops and my eyes then widen at the figure standing behind Sabrina.

"Ahem." Harry clears his throat, his eyes on the back of Sabrina's head, scowling. My breathing hitches in my throat, his face hardened into irritation, his hair pushed back with his body clad in a full black outfit.

Sabrina raises her brows while still facing me, but a smirk pulls up on her lips before turning around to face him. "Ah, Mr. Miserable Styles, how lovely it is to see you on this fine morning." She straightens her posture.

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