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Brown puppy's POV:

I woke up and see he wasn't here...wait...WHERE ARE WE AND WHERE IS HE?!

I got up and looked at my surroundings, I was standing on something soft. I saw an edge and looked down, I was a little high up, but I can make it, right?

I jumped off-


'Ow..' I did not make it, I instead face planted on the floor. I got up quickly and went out.

Where are am I? And why is the ground white? The floor looks smooth, not grass? Is it safe to step on it?

I stepped on it, and it felt a little cold, but I continued to find the white pup, although....where do I go? I went to the left and see the floor was going down? Am I supposed to slide down? Am I supposed to jump?

I fell again, and that hurt a lot than the previous- *sniff* *sniff*...chicken?

I got up and ran to see he was there! But with a human? *gasp* HE'S IN TROUBLE!!

"Ah, you're awake."

Sonia's POV:
I was petting the white pup until I saw the other one awake, he looks..mad?

He ran to me and I picked him up before he could bite me.
"Awe, you're so cute"

"Sonia, dinners ready, I prepared the McDonald's food on the table"

I put two of them down, then got up. I walked over to the table then sat down. We started eating but I felt some on my leg. I looked and the white pup was begging for chicken. I couldn't say no to those puppy eyes, could I? I gave it a piece to it and another to the other, just in case it wants some.

The white one immediately starts eating but the other was sniffing on it before he ate it.

"Hey Chiaki, do you think it's a good idea to keep them?" I asked. "Hm? Well...why not? They do need shelters" she agreed. "Although what should we name them?" Chiaki asked. I was thinking of a name that would fit them. "How about the white one will be Nagito? And the brown one...Hajime?"

Hajime's POV:

Hajime huh?...Sounds good..I looked at the whit- I mean..Nagito, he looks like he agrees with the name..

"Sure.." the short human said. Are we... really gonna stay here?...

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