New Friend

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Hajime's POV:
Nagito has been playing with that toy for a week... Maybe I could ask him to play today? I walked over to him, "Hey nagito, wanna play?" I asked, he turned to me "Yeah sure!-" He said, yay! He's gonna-
"-but can we invite Mrs.Bun Bun too?" He asked...


'NO-' "Yeah sure, we could invite her!" I said, fake smiling. "Yay! Let me get the toys! Mrs. Bun Bun, you stay here" he said. As he went out to get the toys, I put my face close to this bunny's face, growling, baring my teeth at it. "One day, mark my words, one day I'll obliterate you and bury your little soft cotton body under the ground-" "I'm back!" Nagito said as he interrupted me.

"Yay, you're back!" I said I hope he didn't hear me threatening this bunny.
"C'mon! C'mon! Let's play! Let's play!" He said excitedly.
We started playing tug of war, and I won! "Hey, no fair! You're bigger than me!" He said, pouting. "But I still won," I said, proud of myself. "I bet you 5 slices of bacon, I'll get taller than you!" He said, "Yeah sure-" "Lunch is ready!" The human said as she interrupts me. We ran to her and she gave us chicken, but Nagito asked for more, not for himself, but THE STUPID UGLY FAKE BUNNY!! "Aww, do you want to feed your little friend too Nagi?" She asked, Nagito nods and she gave him the chicken, proceeds to feed the ugly bunny, like hell it will eat it. When will this ugly bunny go away?...

(A/N: I didn't have any good ideas :')

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