Happy Birthday Nagito!

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Note: Yes I know, I'm late but I was busy and tired with work, I'm sorry. But now here it is! enjoy! :) <3

3rd POV:

Sonia and Chiaki were going out and decided to bring the pups. The pups were in line, giving turns on wearing their harness. When it was Hajime's turn, Sonia said "Aww, someone is getting chubby~"






And then boom, he's in the car. "Hinata? Are you okay?" Nagito asked, Hajime has been zoning out for 10 minutes. Hajime looks down and pokes his belly.

'Dayum, I'm getting fat... Nagito might fall out of love with me!'

They stopped by a shop, they get out of the car, and Chiaki puts the pup in the shopping cart. Hajime sees Kusamochi, he covered his eyes, resisting himself. "Hinata, what's wrong?" Nagito asked, "Oh um... nothing" Hajime replied. Hajime's stomach growls, and Hajime pokes his stomach, telling it to shut up.

Nagito's POV:

I feel kinda sleepy, I should've stayed up so late... I'm just gonna take a small nap, but before I could do that I smelled something familiar. I looked around and I saw a cake! Maybe one lick won't hurt... But what if it's someone's birthday? Maybe just a poke? I went closer to it, it had white frosting and it says 'Happy Birthday!' Then I was picked up and placed down on some sort of conveyor belt. It seems Chiaki isn't paying attention, she looks like she's zoning. She then placed Hajime and Izuru on the conveyor belt. "You want to adopt these  pets?" the cashier asked, Sonia, looked at us then at the cashier "Oh no no no, that's already our pet, we didn't mean to put them there!" Sonia smiled. 

The cashier nodded. After we pay, we went back in the car and drove off, I looked out the window- hold on we're not going, this isn't the right way... Oh hey, we're in that same forest we went camping!  We got out of the car, I was smacked on the road. I then go to the other side and smack the dirt. 

Mmm yes, dirt is made out of dirt.

 I looked at Sonia, she was putting stuff in the baskets while Chiaki prepared the cake. I looked at Hajime, he seems tempted about something. I went over to Sonia and she started crying?! DID I UPSET HER?!

"Happy Birthday Nagito..."

'Today's my birthday?'

Maybe this is my chance to take 1 lick of the cake. As I got closer to it Sonia stopped me, "Nagi don't lick it, I'll give you a slice soon" She chuckled. I looked at Hajime and Izzy and they were staring at something, before I could go over to them Sonia gave me cake. Hmmm, cake first!

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