The Vet

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Sonia's POV:

Hmm, something's not right, it's only been a week since we adopted Hajime and Nagito, they're growing fast huh? Or maybe we just gave them too much food? Well best not to think about it, right now we have to take them to the vet for checkups.

"Nagito! Hajime! Where are you?"

Nagito's POV:

Hajime dragged me to a closet with him, what's going on? Why are we hiding?

"Haji? Why are we hiding?"

"Because we're going to the vet!"

"Really? Then we should go! I want to go!"

"No, you don't! I heard it's scary, and they'll put something right up our bums!"

"You watched too much TV, c'mon! Let's go—"

As soon as I was about to head-butt the door, Soni opened it and picked us up! Hajime started barking "NO, LET ME GO". He kept barking until' we got in the car. "Stop being such a coward, we're just going to the vet," I said, Hajime whimpers.

❤︎30 minutes later❤︎

Still Nagito's POV:

We made it to the vet! I wonder why Hajime doesn't want to go.

We went in and see other creatures! I went up to one. "Hewo! Why are you here?" I asked "I'm here for a check-up! It's my first time! I heard the veterinarian gives us treats for being a good boy! Or girl." The big dog said. Wait... TREATS?!



"Nagito?" Some human asked my name.

"Ah! That's us!" Sonia said as she picked me up.

We went into a room and I lay on a flatbed? I prefer it to be soft, thank you very much. The weird guy put a popsicle stick on my mouth, I kinda gaged and I hate it. They took it out and picked me up this weird platform, "He weighs... 25kg" 


I wagged my tail, proud- 'EEP' WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?! 

"temperature is 101.2," the guy said, I DIDN'T PERMIT HIM TO PUT THE STICK IN RIGHT UP MY BUM-

 "Here's a treat for behaving well Nagito," He said as he gave me the treats...

 Hajime's POV:


"Nope, you can't go in yet. You have to wait" 

I'm worried...


Huh? Is that a treat? And a toy? Where did he get it? Is he falling out of love with me? 

"Haji! Haji! Look what I got! I got Mr. Bun Bun!" Nagito said. tsk, first that ugly girly bunny, now this weirdo? Great, now I have to eliminate 2 rabbits. Hmm, I could try torturing them by eating rabbit stew, or maybe just cooked rabbit, or how about it raw? Nah I think the cooked rabbit is better, I don't wanna eat their disgusting fur. "Haji? Helloooo, earth to hajiiii"

"Huh? Oh sorry, I was zoning out. Woah! Is that dinner?" I asked- wait... NO- 

"EEHHH?! BAD HAJI! BAD!!" he said as he starts hitting my head. "I'm sorry, I was hungry..." I apologized. 


"That's us"

Chiaki picked me up... GET ME DOWN, I DON'T WANNA GO-

15 minutes later

Hajime hates the vet and now he's hiding under Sonia's bed.

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