Going back to school!

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Izuru's POV:

Hm... I'm bored...

I'm pretty sure he's asleep by now.

It's 6 am, so Sonia and Chiaki should wake up. I got off the couch and went upstairs, I entered to see Nagito trying to get in Sonia's bag, while Sonia brushed her hair. Nagito successfully entered her bag, I went up to it and checked what he was doing, I looked inside the bag and Nagito was lying down. "Ko, what the hell are you doing?" he looked at me, "I'm going to sleep..." He closed his eyes. "Hey Izuru, have you seen Nagito?" I looked behind to see Hajime in the doorway. I said "Yeah he's sleeping inside Sonia's bag" Hajime sighed and went over, he looked inside the bag "Ko... Again?" What did he mean by again? Whatever...
As I was about to pull him out, Sonia hurriedly picked her bag up, we fell inside the bag.

"Chiaki! Hurry, we have to leave!"





3rd POV:

Hajime: "hEY IZuRu sTop, I knOW tHat's Ur tAil!"

Nagito: "HeY, wHo's bITing my tAIL?!"

Izuru: "Hajime, get your furry-ass off my FACE"

The 3 pups struggle as Sonia and Chiaki are walking.


"Hey Chiaki, did you hear something?"


The 2 girls shrugged and continued walking. They arrived at school and entered the classroom, same as usual. But Hiyoko placed a small vase with a chrysanthemum inside on Nagito's desk, "Hiyoko what are you doing?" Sonia asked, Hiyoko looked at her "I'm just respecting him."

"But he isn't dead! I know he's still alive!"

"Hiyoko thinks I'm dead?" Nagito asked himself. "Seems so" Izuru replied, "I'm kinda hungry, you think Sonia has any snacks in here? We haven't eaten breakfast" Hajime said. "I'm kinda hungry too..." Nagito said. "The only food here is Sonia's lunch," Izuru told them, "I'm gonna risk it and go in Chiaki's bag to get some snack," Hajime said as he gets out as soon Sonia puts her bag down. He hops out and tries to avoid people's attention, he succeeds and enters Chiaki's bag. He digs for food, he found Sakura mochi, a cereal bar, and a bag of chips. Hajime managed to get them and go back to Sonia's bag. "Izuru you take the mochi and Nagito gets this cereal bar," Hajime said as he rips the bag of chips. Izuru rolled his eyes and rips the plastic bag open.

Nagito opens his cereal bar and starts eating, Sonia is wondering where those munching sounds are coming from, she looks around and no one is eating. She shrugged and continues reading her book. Then, Yukizome entered, "Good morning class! Today, we're having a pop quiz!"

Everyone in class sounded displeased, Hajime, Izuru, and Nagito avoided Sonia's hand as she was trying to get her pencil case. The pup sighed in relief when Sonia took her hand away, but then Hajime felt something itchy. He started scratching it, "Oi, stop that. Someone might notice" Hajime ignored what Izuru said, "But it's so itchyyyyy." "AH SPIDER" Nagito exclaimed.

The pup starts moving aggressively, "Sonia, do you have something in your bag?"

Sonia tilts her head and then looks at her bag. Yukizome walked up to her desk, "May I see what's inside your bag?" Sonia nods and opens her bag, they both looked inside and they see the pup, attempting to hide under Sonia's things. Nagito sneezes and thought no one heard it, Sonia and Yukizome looked at each other, then at the pups.



After Class



Everyone has left the class except Sonia and the pups, Sonia made them stand on 2 legs against the wall near her desk. "You guys are in big trouble! Why are you guys in my bag?!" Sonia asked.

"I'm gonna uses the tactic Sonia could never resist" Nagito thought.

Nagito gave Sonia the puppy eyes, and Sonia resists. Sonia shakes her head, "No treats for you guys after dinner."

The pups looked down in guilt, and Sonia sighed. "What am I gonna do with you guys... You're lucky I didn't get into too much trouble!" as she picks them up and brings them to the school rooftop where she will eat with the others, "Where's Chiaki?" Sonia asked as she sat down with the others. "She said she's gonna eat at the fountain" Fuyuhiko answered, Sonia, nodded. "Gundham, can you take care of these pups please?" Gundham accepted Sonia's request.

Sonia's POV:

As I walked downstairs nervously, is it time? Maybe I should wait a little longer? But I can't keep it any longer!

I arrived at the fountain to see Chiaki eating, I walked up towards Chiaki and asked if I could eat with her. "Um, sure.."

I sat down beside her, should I give her something? Like flowers?

"Sonia you seem nervous, are you okay?"

"A-ah! Yeah, I am, it's just..."

Alright! Here I go!

"Chiaki... I have a confession to make..."

"What is it?..."

"I-I... I love you more as a friend!" I blurted out. I felt a kiss from the cheek, "I... feel the same way..."








Nagito's POV:

"My baby sister is growing up so fast..." As I shed a tear...

Yes, I am spying on Sonia and Chiaki in the fountain.

Hold on... I can't swim-

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