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Sonia's PoV:

"Chiaki! Hurry up!"

"Coming! Coming!"

I was downstairs with our luggage, Chiaki and the pups were coming down. Hajime decided to bring his camera, Nagito wanted to bring his mini messenger bag, enough to fit Mrs. Bun Bun, and Izuru decided to bring his cap. I got Hajime, Nagito, and Izuru into their carrier cage.
We went to the airport and Nagito started whimpering.
"What's wrong nagi?" I asked, he just looked at me with a worried face, is he scared? After we went through security, we sat down on a seat. I opened Nagito's cage and let him out. I placed him on my lap, he looked like he was about to cry, I tried comforting him by petting him. He reminds me so much of my brother...

"Sonia, the plane's here. We should go" Chiaki said

I nodded but Nagito attempted to run away. I caught him before he can and put him back in the cage. We went on the plane and put the cage under the seat so we could put our luggage up in the passenger compartment. We sat down and I could hear Nagito crying, poor pup...
After a few minutes, we started to lift off, which scared nagito.

3rd POV:

When the plane is up in the air, Nagito puts his paw through the cage, trying to poke Hajime's cage so he could check if he's okay. Hajime was about to fall asleep. Nagito whimpers, trying to get Hajime's attention. Hajime noticed Nagito was trying to get his attention.
"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't wanna be on a plane... What happens when we fall?!" He said. Hajime felt bad and starts hitting his body on the cage to get closer to Nagito. Izuru noticed, "Hajime you're gonna tilt over," Izuru said. Hajime ignored him and managed to get closer but the cage tilts over. Sonia heard something under her seat and checked. She saw Hajime's cage tilt over. Hajime whimpers but is happy that he's close with Nagito, he then sticks his paw out of his cage tries to touch Nagito's. Nagito sticks his paw out of the cage and tries to touch Hajime's paw. They touched each other but Nagito still wanted to get out of the plane. Sonia sighed and helps Hajime's cage. Then she picked Nagito's cage up and opens it. Nagito hops out of it, shaking. 'W-wait... why am I scared of planes?... Am I afraid of heights?..' Nagito thought. Sonia comforts him, Nagito lays down on Sonia and hugs Mrs. BunBun. Nagito then fell asleep.

Puppies!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat