chapter 5 - will he be alive

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I woke up to a small thud near my hut, I knew it was obviously newt and quickly went to check on him. I saw him limping to the close maze doors. I ran after him. I walked up to him and placed my hand in his shoulder, "Newt, are you ok?" He was staring at the doors with a numb expression, "why?" He whispered me barely being able to hear, "why them?" He said I little louder, "all the people in the glade and it ends up being half of my closest friends and,- " he paused as a single tear left his eye, "Thomas," he looked at me with devastation in his eyes, I had started to cry too. I engulfed him in a high as we cried together.

We didnt sleep at all just standing by the maze doors, Newt's eyes were red and mine probably were too, chuck still had some hope as we all stood in silence. After a few agonising minutes the doors finally opened to reveal...


No one

On noise

Just an empty entrance.

Devastation and heartbreak didnt even begin to cover how I was feeling, I looked at the ground with tears falling out my eyes, you would think that with all the crying last night I wouldn't have the strength, I guess I'm stronger than I look. Gally gave me a side hug and laid his head on my shoulder, "I know I'm not your actual brother but, you've still got me," he whispered in my ear, I chuckled, "more proof that family isnt always blood," I say back. "GUYS LOOK, YESSS!" Chuck yelled I turned my attention back to the maze where thomas and Minho were carrying my brothers limp body. The second they ran out and put Ably's body down I checked his pulse, "hes still breathing, did you see a grievier? " I asked, "yeah i saw one, " Thomas said, still panting slightly, "he didnt just see it, he killed it," the whole glade was shocked, "right I'm calling a whole glade meeting, " Gally said angrily, "y/n, Clint, jeff, get Ably to the med jack hut," I want about to argue so I  lifted up his legs and the other med Jack's took the upper body.

"Do you think he will be ok, " Clint asked.

"He would be," jeff replied.

"If?" I questioned.

"If we had any serum left," Jeff said with a sad sigh.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath. 

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