chapter 18

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I slowly let Chuck's body on the floor and stood up, I walked over to gally, he wasnt dead but he was for sure going to be soon. I let myself lose all control the pain was too much the loss of so many too quickly, Ben, Alby, Gally and Chuck.

I did the only thing that felt right.

I sobbed.

Teresa immediately running to my side with tears in her eyes aswell, everyone in the room was heart-broken.


The doors suddenly opened and people forcefully pulled us all out and into the sandy desert, with all the build up to the outside world and it rly was this plain, I wasn't thinking and I couldn't, what was I to do. We were thrown into a helicopter and I found myself in between Newt and Teresa, I rested my head on Newt's shoulder and held Teresa's hand. "Don't worry you're save now, everything's going to change," the man said as we began to leave the glade, the maze, everything we've ever known.

3rd person
Ava walks into a meeting room in the center to begin her speech, "well I think it's safe to say the maze trails were a complete success,  I wasn't expecting so many survivors but the more the merrier, Thomas continues to surprise and impress and Y/n can finally come home to us, as she was the best morally correct doctor, It's too soon to say but, they could be the answer to everything, now it's time to begin phase 2."

The end

Just kidding the plan is to do all of the films in one book! But yeah that was the end of part 1 of 3! Hope you liked it!

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