chapter 7 I know her

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I placed the girl gently on one of the beds in the med jack hut, I couldn't stop starting at her, she's so familiar, could she be the person that spoke to me in my head? And I know she was the girl in one on my memories. I feel the need to make sure she's ok.

Newt, Thomas and Minho walked in, "hey y/n, do you know why she isnt waking up?" Newt asked. I shook my head, "I don't know," I reached out and held her hand, "shes still alive, that's all I can tell you," Newt directed his attention to Thomas, "do you recognise her?" I could tell he was a little jealous about this, "no, I don't," Thomas responded, "rly, cos she seemed to recognize you," I let go of her hand and walked over to him and rubbed his shoulder, "Newt, I remember her, as in her face is familiar,  I've had a couple of dreams or memories about her," I admit, "sorry Tommy," Newt said, "Its ok Newtie," Thomas kissed Newts cheek and grabbed his hand as they walked off, "wait, hang on, when did this happen?" Minho asked, "pretty much since Thomas came up in the box," I say, Minho smiled, "I like them two together, " I smiled back, "me too," I say. "Now let's talk about you," he said, "what's there to talk about," I ask. "You and this girl, you couldn't stop staring at her, it's so obvious that you like her," the fact that he found out made me blush. "Oh, shut up." I say as we both walk out to see Thomas running towards the walls, Minho ran towards him, I did too but I'm a little slower than Minho.

When we both reached him Minho stopped him, "do you have a death wish? Just got out now you want back in," Minho questioned. "This is the first ever dead grievier,  and your not even a little bit curious," Thomas I asked, "yeah" I said "no" minho said at the same time, "wont be easy to find willing people, he other runners quit this morning," Minho said. "Well, I'm in," I say. Minho, stopped me, "no your not," he said, "what why?" I asked sadly, "because, you have to look after the girl," Minho said, I sighed and walked away annoyed.

I walked back into the medjack hut and next to the girl, I wish I could remember her.

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