chapter 13

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I was in shock, he loved me, but he lied to me that day where he said I was only a sister to him, I don't know what love is but, I do care for this boy very deeply and I wished he was in a better world where he didn't have to worry as much as he does about where he lives... but Teresa, I don't understand my feelings towards her either. "Gally I-" he stopped me, "it's okay, I know you don't feel it," I hugged him, "I don't know what love is, so how can I know if I feel the same way."

No one else spoke out of terror for our lives.

Time skip:
I climbed out of the box and ran to the others, I went around hugging everyone thankful that they were safe, Teresa was last as we hugged I felt so much warmth in my heart but I just realised who wa smissing from the group, "guys, where's Alby?" I asked.
No response.
"Where is Alby?"
I screamed tears in my eyes, "he's not," I whispered backing away from everyone. "Y/n," Newt walked up to me, "he's gone," I fell to my knees, trying desperately for this ache in my heart to stop, I wanted to be the one to die. "It should of been me," I spoke loud enough for only Newt and Teresa to hear. Just then Gally came up to the group and punched Thomas. I stood up and took the stinger from Thomas's hand and checked his face for injuries. "He's come here to destroy everything, and now he has," I could barely hear Gallys howls of complaints as my thoughts crowed my mind. I couldn't help but feel guilty about my brother.
"Teresa, guys, I'm sorry." I say without thinking about what I'm about to do, "I want to know the truth fir you guys," I then stab myself with the stinger. I could hear people calling my name, but everything went black.

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