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Now with Borman being kidnapped along with Joe and Caitlin, Barry and his team have to take on 2 new enemies now. Siren-X and Commander Zod. Can Barry do this alone or does Kara have to jump in?

Barry paced around the floor in the cortex. He balled his fists in anger and frustration, not only did Siren-X take Borman, but she also took Joe and Caitlin. 

"We really have no way of finding Joe and Caitlin? Not even by tracking Fallout?" Barry asked.

"The hazmat suit he is wearing is masking his radiation signature. So, the satellite can't even find him unless he heats up," Cisco explained.

"Well, what do you know about Laurel Lance's doppelganger? And why was she hunting you? And I thought you said Ursa had died," Barry told Leo.

"Well, for starters that was Siren-X, I assume you already know Agent Dark or Commander Zod, however you want to say it. But Laurel Lance and Ursa Zod are all that's left of the Reichman in America, Laurel is an elite assassin gone mad, and she is relentless. She carried a torch for Dark Arrow, in fact, he cheated on Overgirl with her, so she isn't very pleased with those responsible for his death, present company included."

"And Ursa, why is she alive?" Barry asked.

"She survived her encounter with Wonder Woman, she's evacuating any Nazi holdouts that were left behind, salvaging and destroying documents in small resistance outposts," Leo further explained.

"So, she has the same powers as Black Siren?" Cisco asked.

Leo looked confused.

"The Laurel Lance of Earth-2," Cisco clarified.

"And Earth-1's Laurel Lance?" Leo asked.

"She died, it was tough, she was very good at what she did," Barry told them, his eyes filled with sadness. A friend of Oliver is a friend of his.

"She was the Black Canary after her sister, who also died, and then came back but as White Canary cause-"

"Cisco," Barry hissed.

"It's complicated," Cisco said quickly.

"Right, doppelganger confusion aside, Siren-X has my cold gun and a nuke, and both her and Ursa have an incredible thirst for revenge, so they'll probably use them on me or you guys."

"Great, just what I wanted, two problems now," Barry muttered and stalked out of the cortex.

"I'll go talk to him," Leo told Cisco and walked out.



Harry pulled the doors open to the L-Corp building, he needed to see Lena, he needed to tell her about his situation. 

Lena was down in her labs, she was fed up with how Supergirl treated her as if she was her brother, a criminal. She was fed up having to tell supergirl everything about her Kryptonite production, it wasn't her fault that many Kryptonians are evil. 

She was startled when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around and her green eyes met Harry's grey eyes. Harry sighed and pulled off his glasses.

"Tough day?" He asked her in a low whisper. Lena gave a tight-lipped smile.

"You can say that," Lena murmured back.

Harry looked down at the ground, he then shuffled up to where Lena was standing and gently laid his forehead on her shoulder. Lena let out a breath, running her hands through his hair, already ruffled out of place by frustration. 

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