Multiple Problems

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Barry is in prison while Kara finds out about the World Killers and Reign...

My name is Barry Allen.

And I'm an innocent man.

I know that you will find my fingerprints all over this body.

And I know that you'll find his DNA on mine.

But I don't know who stabbed him.

In Barry's loft, a flash of orange lightning dropped off Devoe's body, it wasn't Barry, it was some twisted version of him, he had a scar on his left cheek. He took the knife and stabbed the corpse, lacing his body with his fingerprints... They wouldn't know the difference, the other Barry sped away, back to his timeline.

All I can tell you is that I'm being framed.

For something that I didn't do.

Barry was in an interrogation chair.

"I didn't kill Clifford Devoe," Barry honestly said. Singh sighed, he rubbed his eyes as he was up all night filing reports, he was still in denial that his most loyal CSI was a murderer.

"All right Allen, let's run it back from the beginning," Singh told him.

The day after his court appointment, Barry was under probation, Joe was his officer, Barry was to be cuffed at all times, two guards on him, keeping the barrels of their rifles on his back if he made any sudden move, they would shoot him.

Joe managed to get the guards to wait outside STAR Labs, Barry was with the team now.

"This is exactly what Devoe wanted, we all played right into his plan, Alura hasn't shown herself, which I applaud, you did a good job Alura," Barry tiredly smiled at her, she smiled back.

"Dominic's power must have allowed Devoe to inhabit his body, I mean we should have been on top of this earlier, I should have thought about that," Harry told them.

"But how are you even here Allen? Aren't you under house arrest?"

"Cisco and I hacked into the ankle monitor GPS, he's supposed to be at Joe's, either that or the courthouse."

"That's not the only thing Cisco hacked, when you came out of the speed force you were talking gibberish at CCPD, and all that writing on the board did we translate that already?"

"I have, well only the stuff that was worth mentioning, there was a whole lot of nonsense about Barry confessing his love to my mother, a lot of things that are questionable, I didn't even know there was a Kryptonian mating ritual, there's a family tree, I mean there are even words praising Kara's body-"

"Stop Alura please!" Barry called out embarrassed, his face flushing red.

"But amongst all that, I think we can find evidence or something to help us in that case."

"And plus, if they do sentence you, there's no prison on earth that can hold you."

"I won't run, I'm not a fugitive," Barry dismissed the idea of running from the law.

"We better get to the courthouse," Caitlin told Barry and they walked out. Ralph scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Wait for a second, you telling me that Alura is from the future?" Ralph asked. Cisco rolled his eyes.


"Wow! So you're Barry's daughter," Alura chuckled and nodded.

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