Chapter 26

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April 20th

It's Kacchan's birthday today. I think I want to give him a little surprise...

One of the many things that he did in middle school to torment me, was give me spider lilies. I'd find them placed on my desk, or sometimes he'd hand them to me directly.

Either way, it was fucked up.

I think I want to bring back some old memories of what he used to do. I want him to feel guilty.

I'm currently in a nearby city called Toyohashi. It's fairly close to Musutafu, so I can get what I need quicker. Also, it's been 2 years. Nobody's gonna pay me a second glance. Anyways, I'm going to go to the Musutafu Flower Park and pick up a few flowers as a gift for Katsuki.

I really hope he likes them.

I know where he lives, so that makes this a whole lot easier. I just hope that he's home, or that he'll be home sometime today. Katsuki is a smart person. I will admit. If anyone is to connect the dots, it's him, and that's exactly what I want to happen.

You'll see why eventually. ;)

A few hours later*

I've successfully collected my gift, and I'm walking up to Katsuki's house now. This sounds really creepy, and technically, it is, but it's for a good cause. In my opinion.

I make my way to the back of the house where I remember the window to his room is. The window, surprisingly, was unlocked, so I could easily do what I needed to do.

As quietly as I could, I slid the window open and pushed the curtains out of the way to get a peek into the room. Thankfully, Katsuki wasn't there in the moment, but he was definitely in the house.

I could hear him. He's very loud.

I needed to do this quickly if I didn't want to get caught. So, I climbed into the room and placed the flower neatly on his nightstand. I considered leaving an anonymous note, but I decided that he was smart enough to connect the dots on his own. Once that was done, I did a quick scan over his room.

"It's just like I remembered." I whispered to myself. Nothing much has changed over the years. I'm sure Katsuki himself has changed a lot, but I wouldn't know for sure. Once I heard loud stomping coming towards his room I knew it was time to leave.

I quickly went to the window and climbed out of it, and closed it behind me. The curtains were shifted a little, so I could see when he came in the room. It would be risky to stay for too long, but I want to see his face again.

The door to his bedroom opened, then slammed just as fast. There, he stood in the middle of his bedroom, looking around. Was it possible for him to notice something was off? Probably. His eyes landed on his nightstand, where I placed the spider lilly.

He froze.

Of course he knew what it meant. Of course he knew who it was from.

But how was it possible?

Before anything else could happen, I ran away and out of sight. It was getting dark now, it was time to go back to where I've been staying.

Quite the eventful day, huh?

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