21. coronation time

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The first thing that came over my lips was his name. "Paul." I wanted to cry but knew I couldn't because than they would know what I had done. I spoke harder this time. "Jane? You need to help me with my dress." A second after she came into my room and picked the dress out of the closet. I stood up and noticed I was still wearing the dress of yesterday.
I undid the strings and let it fall to the ground before stepping out of it and walking to my closet to change my underwear and bra. Jane has seen me multiple times like this. After all she helped me dress all this time after Delia died. I can't believe she's my biological mother and tahat they killed my real ones. I miss the two of theme and it makes me hate what I'm about to become.
She was done strapping my dress on before I put on my black flats. Tonight I would wear all beautiful and modern stuff but now I needed to be old fashioned. Don't ask me why. They wanted me too, Aro, Caius and Marcus. Maybe they'll turn me tonight and I won't sleep forever. I would never be able too. My life as a human would be over yet that life means more and less to me every time I get deeper into this one with power and dresses. Though I miss my old life, I think I would miss this too if I left it behind.
"Christy!" Jane snapped her fingers in front of my eyes making me blink.
"Yeah." She looked at me with an almost angry look making me reform my words. "Yes Jane."
"Better now walk. Alec can be here any second to escort you." She looked stern like that. I pushed my hair back into the braid Jane made and took a step forward to hug her. "Thank you Jane. You're my only true friend here. I love you." She softly hugged me back trying not to wrinkle my dress. "I love you too princess."
We heard a soft knock on the door and let eachother go. I smoothed out my dress before opening it. "Good afternoon princess." He said picking my hand and kissing my knuckles. He was wearing a modern tuxedo so i kmew he wouldnt go and change his clothes after the ceremony. "How are you doing on this fine day?" He askes stroking the back of his hand over my cheek before cupping it. I unconsiously lean into it.
"Amazing but I'll miss being human. Needing to breath and sleep. I'm going to miss dreaming." He nods before linking our arms together.
"I'm going to walk you down to the room but you need to walk in all on your own." What?! I have to do this all alone?! I started panicking till he faced me and spoke, "Breath in, keep it, and breath out. Again Christiana." I calmed down and we could walk further. At some times I needed to remind him I wasn't that fast yet he kept me calm and talking till I saw two big wooden doors.
"This is where I'll say goodbye to you for now. I'll see you at the party." He said before pecking my cheek.
"Will you escort me there too?" I asked letting him shake his head.
"You'll go alone." He vanished at his super speed and there I was only. I straightened up and the doors opened.

Someone softly played the piano while I walked to Aro. Behind him like a little triangle were Marcus and Caius. I reached them and stood there while they made a whole speech about my responsibilities and what I would be able off and all the things that are good yet I know they'll make me into their personal weapon. Created so they can rule and live for even longer.
"Will you, Christiana de la Mar, except to serve ad save our kind, to only do good for the rules and never work against them, to live with vampires for the rest of your life?" Aro asked last.
"Yes, yes I will serve you. I'll keep this a secret for as long as my lives may be." They put a crown on my head amd I turned around while they all yelled my name. They were all 'happy'. I knew it was forced.
My eyes scanned the room searching for something familiar, looking for Alec or Dimitri, he can be nice, since Jane was standing behind me. I didn't found them before my eyes locked with his. Those beautiful brown eyes that lit up when they locked with mine. I felt my lips open ready to say his name. I felt my legs wanting to move to him. I also felt a pair of hands in my back leading me to the wooden doors. I knew it were Jane's from all the other times she did it. When we left the tower, if I needed to go fit new dresses. I ripped my eyes from his and walked through the doors.
Luckily I was wearing flats cause now I could run to my room. I slammed the door behind me and ripped my dress off. I yelled and spramg around and knocked and kicked my doors amd the walls. Till Jane calmly walked into my room. I stood in front of her, still only in my underwear and yelled at her for not telling me the pack would be here. The Cullens took the pack with them when they first read my name on the invitation. Now they knew where I am so they would want to come and get me. Well it's too late now anyway. The only way to get me back now is if I choose so.

After she explained it to me she did my hair in lushes curls and made my lips red. I put on my dress and then my heels. "How do I look?" I asked conciously.
"Well it hugs all your upper curves and shows skin in the right places. As a normal girl I'd say you'd look fabulous. You just miss one thing." She got a mask and put it before my eyes. "They'll know it's you and at the same time they won't perfect. Now come with me and go party!" We squeeled together like we were normal teenagers and we walked to the ball room.

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