5. I won't leave her

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I saw Paul sitting on his knees next to me. I alsp felt cold because the wolf wasn't where he was when I fell asleep. "Christy you're finally awake! I was so worried about you." He exclaimed. "What do you need Paul?" I said coldly. He couldn't have been worried about me. He wasn't back then so he can't be now. "You've been here since yesterday evening and I walked by your house. Nobody was there so I went looking for you." "Paul normal people don't go look for someone in the woods and how could you know I've been here all night?" He mumbled something I didn't understand. "Doesn't matter eather way. I know you can't have been that worried. Than you should have been there when I needed you." I stood up and started to walk away. "Please let me explain." He said. I almost turned around. "Please babygirl. Give me one last chance to dance." He said using my old nickname and our favorite movie. I turned around and I fainted.

"Edward make the mutt leave. It smells." I heard a feminine voice say. Then I heard a growl. "I won't leave her. Not again." A boys voice said. I recognize it but I'm not sure from what. I suited in, the bed? I was laying on. "She can hear us already. She should be up soon." Another girls voice said. I didn't want to open my eyes and show them I'm awake. I won't. Then I felt someone stroking my arm and I had a string of thought. But they weren't mine they were of that person. Before I could decipher them they were gone. I opened my eyes. The first pair of eyes I met were those of the boy I didn't want to see so I looked further away. I looked in the eyes of a boy with reddish hair. After I heard so many things it almost made my head burst. I jumped off the bed and grasped my head. "Ahhh!!" I screamed. "Turn it off! Turn it off!" I cried. I felt someone put his arms around me in a comforting way and the pain in my head lessened. I saw it was Paul doing so but for the first time I didn't push him away. I snuggled closet towards him, everything to get rid of the voices in my head. I concentrated on his voice thinking he was speaking to me. What's happening Edward? Why is she having so much pain? Keep strong babygirl everything is gonna be alright. You're going to get through this. "She just copied my gift. That's why she is having a major headache. She can't handle all the thoughts." The guy with the golden, must be Edward, said. I spotted screaming for a few seconds because the pain started subsiding. "Those were his thought?" I said. I concentrated on Paul's touch. I thought about why he said tips things three years ago and there was the reason.

Christy can't see me like this. I look horrible. But after this I can't ever see her again. It will be to dangerous with my anger issues. I could kill her by accident.
I heard a knock on the door signaling someone wanted to get in. "Come in. The door is open." I said. "Paul?" Shit Christy. "Chris?!" She walked into the kitchen with her don't mess with me look. But she also was looking more beautiful than ever. "Yes Paul is me. Why have you been avoiding me the past week?" I mumbled I didn't feel well, that was sorta the truth anyway. "I know that's not the truth Paul. What is really going on? Because I know that even if you are sick you pick up the phone and you don't go around walking in just pajama bottoms. I want the truth!" She said getting more angry every word, it frightened me to say the less. "You don't need to know Christy! Keep your nose out of my business!" I said acting like I was angry too. "So now I'm suddenly clingy Christy that presses het nose in your business! Even if it's only our of worry for my best friend!" She took a step forward so she cauld lady her cold nonetheless soft hand on my chest. "My best friend who's burning up! What's happening to you Paul?!" She exclaimed. "I don't know." You have to hurt her now Paul. Make sure she never comes back, than she will be safe from you. "And either way, that I'm your best friend doesn't mean you're mine!" She looked like i just slapped het across the face, times million. Stee Tom a step back and turned around. I wanted to say how sorry i am. I wanted to tell her that I'll never let her go. How much she means to me. The last thing she said to me was, "I'm better off friendless than being friends with you." She was gone and i broke down crying on the kitchen floor.


I broke away from him. I was angry again for him leaving me and hurting me, to protect me. Does he think i can't protect myself? I pushed him away and stood up. I almost crumbled down to the floor, my knees were weak. "I can take care of myself, prince charming." I walked out of the door not knowing where to go. I looked at the golden eye boy. Down the stairs follow the path, the road is down there. He taught. I silently thanked him, for everything. I walked downstairs yelled a bye and thank you for all the others in the house for bringing me here and walked out of the door.

Blackout {Paul Lahote} <Twilight>Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu