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I don't know how long it had been but I felt it streaming through my longs. The warm feeling returned to my fingers and toes. I inhaled and didn't breath in water but air. I closed my eyes more tight afraid of the sight before me, what it would be. After I think half an hour I found the nerves to open them. I blinked once, twice. Every time the sight in front of me became clearer.

"Miss la Mar? Are you finally awake? I thought you just killed yourself. Luckely you didn't or you'd be a vampire." I sat up to look at the man who said that. When I saw him I crawled back.

Red eyes with a milk like glace. Long, black hair. "Aro." I whispered. "I'm in Italy. How did I come here?"

"O simply. Delia send Demitri to save you. She already thought of what you would do. Now you're safe with us." He smiled sweetly. He really thinks I'm better of here.

"How can it be safe for a mortal to be here in the mids of vampires?" I asked still trying to get away.

"You'll be their princess. Why would they kill you if the punishment would be death?" A blonde man said when he walked in. "My name is Caius. Marco is coming in a minut. He is just finishing his meal." Meal? A human? They just fed? I made myself look smaller. I wish I was smaller now.

"Don't be afraid Christy." Aro said. "We would never lie to you. Not in the same way as your 'friends' did." He emphasized the word friends.

"They did it to protect me." I wanted to believe the words but as soon as I said them I knew it was a lie. They just didn't want me with them. They thought I was to weak. I'll show them weak.

"When am I starting?" I asked standing up. "They have never trusted me. Now I'll show them why not." I said.

"Ahh she thinks like a winner." A new man said with a bored tone. He had long hair like Aro's yet his face was more oval. "You'll start this afternoon with Delia. She should've been here already."

"I'm here." Delia said as she stepped out of the shadows. She was wearing the black and red dress again. "Come with me. You have to change into a more proper atire." She took my hand and let me out of the room into a stone hallway. The cold floor made me realize I was only wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I shivered.

"Are you cold? Than we should look for a warm dress. Sometimes they forget we have mortals here." Delia said. She is nice. She makes me think of my mom. Did I tell you I was adopted. Yeah. My mom died somewhere in europe when I was three. That was the age I came to la Push and started my tantrums anyway.

"You'll learn quickly. I know so. You just have to watch out around dinner time. They may mistake you for food when they're hungry." I gulped. She said it all so simple. She made it sound like I did a good thing. Is it? Am I doing a good thing?

We walked into a room with purple walls, like my room at home. They were the same colour as her dress. In it was a bed, a closet, a vanity and a door. I guess for a bathroom.

"Do you like it?" Delia asked.

"I like it a lot. It remends me of home. Just bigger. Like I wanted it to be." I spoke.

"Good. Now pick a nice dress from the closet and don't leave the room. Some vampires have to wait till tomorow for food." I gulped. "Don't worry. The walls are thick enough." She said and she left the room.

I looked inside my closet looking for the right dress. I was thinking about a blue or a green dress when someone knocked on the door. "I'm not yet ready." I yelled to my door.

"I'm not Delia." An angelic voice said back.

"Than who are you?" I asked.

"Alec. Can I come in?" He asked. I thought about it for almost a minut. Maybe when I don't react he'll go away. "I can hear your heartbeat." He yelled.

"Dangit stupid human body." I laughed and he walked in. I didnt look at the door yet but I heard his footsteps. "I didn't answer your question." I said and I turned around. In front of me was a beautiful boy. He was around my age, had dark hair and a slightly chubby face that made his red eyes look a darker shade.

"You know my name but can I hear yours? Aro said I needed to check on you and Delia. I saw her in the hallway running around with books." His voice was softer than from the other side of the door making it sound like a thousand of my favourite songs all at once yet still beautiful.

"I'm sorry am I coming at a wrong time?" He asked. He stepped closer and stuck out his hand using it to push my mouth close making me feel tingles. "No. No you're exactly om time." I said. Whats wrong with me? What am I doing? Why am I saying this?

"Well may I know your name?" He asked again.

"You may." I answered jokingly.

"Will you tell me your name?" He asked again. Before I could answer the door opened and Delia stept through. "Her name is Christiana de la mar and you may go now Alec. I have to talk to her." Alec stepped away leaving a burning hot spot where his hand left my chin. He stepped out of the room without glancing back.

"Why did you send him away?" I almost screamed. I want him back in this room.

"He isn't the right guy for you. It won't ruin your life if I keep him away from you till you are married." She calmly said. For once her voice didn't sound as soothing. "You don't have the right to and how do you know my name? Nobody knows my full name!" I never told anyone. Not even my adoptive parents.

"Ofcourse I have the right to. I have to protect you it's my job, Ariel." My birthmom always called me that. How does she know everything? "Why are you calling me that? Nobody knows about that besides my mom!" I really screamed this time. I was really throwing a fit here. "Christy sit down." She said and I did as she said. "Do you remember you mothers name?" She said her voice going on that same soothing tone as in my blackouts. "My mom is, is...." I thought and thought not remembering. "Your moms name is Delia. Just like me. Look at my hair see through the dream.

Remember me not to do anything she says ever again. I looked and saw orangey red hair. The freckles now flickered on her cheeks. "Mom?"

Blackout {Paul Lahote} <Twilight>Where stories live. Discover now