7. no no please don't

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Leah and I were going out tonight. Yeah I know, I don't go out much. It isn't smart. Well, I don't care. If I want to go I'll go and by the way I don't have parents to come home to so I can finally party for how long I want. I walked to my closet in search for my dresses. I haven't worn a dress since two years or something so I don't know if I actually have one.

I searched for an hour for a dress. When I finally realised I wouldn't find one I walked to my moms room. She said she kept a dress there wich I could wear if I would ever be a normal child. Guess what, I'm not normal. I'd still wear it. I opened her closet and took the dress out. (Above is her dress.) It looked beautiful. One of the only colours that wouldn't clash with my hair colour, purple. It quit rare that I'm a ginger while my mom and dad have brown hair. But frankly I don't care. The dress was fit around my breast and the bottom was flowy, the both seperated by a silver, shiny belt like stripe. It looks sexy as hell. I put it on and carefully walked to my vanity. It also was the first time I would do my make up in a year. I looked and saw a person I didn't remember. She looked horrible. Bags under her eyes, eyebrows undone, sad eyes. She looked like she was dead. Well not for tonight, tonight I'm going to be happy, sexy and admirable. Paul will be sorry he dumped our friendship. I put on mascara, killer eyeliner and some lipgloss with a shine in it. I peaked in the floor to sealing mirror and saw I looked wonderful. I put my sneakers on just black. That would look nice enough, I can't party on high heels.

I came downstairs just as the bell rang and I opened the door. There was Leah in skinnies and a tank top in the same colour as my dress. Her short cropped hair was perfectly styled so they were put in little curls framing her face. "Fashion twins." We squeeled at the same time. I laughed happy she was still the same. "You look absolutely stunning tonight Chris." She said. "You look quit dapper yourself miss Clearwater." I said back. We laughed and got into my car wich she would drive. We were going to a party in the household of the Cullens. They were the people I was brought to when I fainted. I was kind of anxious to go back. I mean I didn't really know them. We reached the house and Leah and I walked in arm in arm. Once we walked through the door she got greated by a lot of people that remembered her. Since I hadn't come out of my house since I graduated they didn't really remember. Certainly now I was wearing make up and did my hair, heck I was even wearing a dress. "Hey Leah aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?" I heard someone ask. I didn't recognized them. It was a guy so I'm sure I never met him. "Her friend's name is Christy." I said. "And I'm going to look for Edward or Jake or Quil or something." I wamted to walk away but Leah caught my arm. "Jake and Quil aren't here. Just Paul, Jared, Seth and Sam and please stay close. I don't want to lose you." She said. "You wouldn't loos me if you wanted too hon." I winked and walked away. I searched through the voices I got to know as thoughts to find someone I know. Preferably someone of the Cullens. I don't need to have Paul, Sam, Jake and that gang, to know I'm here. I searched and found a thought I didn't recognize. It were a lot of different thoughts at the same time from the same 'voice'. I walked through the people and found her. "Hello, you must be a sister of Edward. I'm Christy de la mar." She then started jumping up and down. "I know. Paul brought you here and Edward and Jasper stood at your door almost 24/7. I'm Alice Cullen. You're from La Push right?" I nodded my head, amazed by how energized she was. I looked into her eyes and felt the same thing as with Edward. My mind went blank for a while. Everything was dark and I heard that soothing feminine voice from the last time. "You now have Alice Cullens gift. Seeing the future. I'll tell more about it later." Than my mind came back to itself. "Are you okay?" Alice asked. "Never been better. Care to dance?" I asked. She just pulled at my arm to get me to the dancefloor as fast as possible. She danced although it was or to graceful to be possible or more like jumping up and down like a kangaroo on cafeïne. I just danced along with her till her boyfriend took over because I was tired. I sat down at a table and saw Leah dancing. I mouthed I would come soon. When I sat for a few minutes I felt someone sit next to me or better said Paul sat down next to me. "What do you want Paul?" I sighed. "Nothing. uou know, this was the first time you said something to me that wasn't mean." "Do you want me to be mean again?" I said already becoming angry. "No no please don't. It hurts to see you in pain like that." I got sad when he said that. He can't be hurt. That isn't what I want. "Don't be. But remember, I'll give you a chance when you show me you care. Really care." I said that not knowing he would show it really soon.

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