12. I'm twenty no five

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"No you aren't." Sam, I think, said. "You were just staring blankly at Renesmee." Jacob said while keeping his arms in a protective way crossed over the girl. He has the same look as Quill when he looks at her. But these two are obviously no family. That's impossible. Jacob has a coper skin and Renesmee is really white. "I'm sorry I didn't mean too. I just blacked out I guess." I saw the guys look at eachother. "Why are you looking at eachother like that?" I asked. "You know what, it doesn't matter. I'm going to a friend." I turned around saying goodbye at the girls. "Wich friend?" Paul asked as he got a hold of my arm. "Paul. His name is Paul." I pried my arm away from him and walked out of the door.

When I thought I was deep enough into the woods I started yelling for Paul the wolf. I almost gorgot about him the last days but I need his comfort now. "Paul? Where are you guy? Paul?" After almost an hour he finally came. "Where were you Paul? I missed you." He just wagged his tail around. "Yes I'm also exited to see you." I sat next to it and petted his head. "I like you Paul." I laughed. "That sounds weird since my boyfriend is named Paul. Yes I know it's the guy that betrayed me and everything, but I love him and he promised. I believe him." I stroked his head one more time. "Bye Paul. See you soon." I walked off towards the outer lines off the wood.

I got there and ofcourse there was Paul. "Hey princess. What was that back inside?" He asked kindly. I can't tell him of the dream like visions. "Nothing just blacked out." "Does that happens frequently?" He asked worried this time. "Just now and than. I'll survive them. They're nothing bad." "Can I just take you to Carlisle for sure." "Who's Carlisle?" I said taking my turn to ask a question. "He's a doctor. The best." "Well if you think I need to see him. Take me to the hospital." "We can just go by his house Princess." "Stop princessing me prince charming. I'm twenty no five." "So I'm twenty one and no five." "I missed your birthday? Remind me to go on a date with you because of it." "But your birthday comes first. It's in three weeks." He said. "You remembered." I said amazed. "I'd remember anything about you." I pecked him softly on his cheek. "Thanks Paul." Maybe I should just tell him. He could help save my parents. But if Carlisle is family of Alice which he most likely is, that means in that house there could be Jasper and I could save them myself. It should be possible. "Okay than can you take me now. I want to be home in time to sleep early. You can't say we slept early." "But I slept well." Paul said. I just laughed and walked with him to the end of the roade where he had parked his car.

When we reached the Cullen house, wich was the same as yesterday evening. The chills ran over my back. "Are you okay?" Paul asked. "Yes just bad memories." He shrugged it of and walked me inside. "Paul you can't just enter someone's house." I scolded him. "But Alice is already downstairs. She could hear us coming." That should be impossible you know. Paul has a quiet car, she shouldn't be able to hear it. "Christy!" I heard Alice squeel. I turned around and got wrapped in an ice cold hug. "Woah Alice you're cold." I said as I backed up into Paul's chest. I only felt now that he was really hot, like in temperature. Wait, I don't mean he isn't hot. Wait what I didn't mean to say that! Just forget I thought anything. I knew I always felt cold but it was a lot warmer than Alice and a lot colder than Paul. It gave my chills. "Uhm Alice, can we speak Carlisle? I want him to check up on her. She's been having black outs lately." Only they aren't black outs. They're like visions. They come and fo like those thought thingies. "Carlisle is in his office with Jasper. We could look if he has time." Alice said before pulling on my arm up the stairs to Carlisle's office.

She knocked on his door and walked in. "Carlisle, Jaz, this is Christy. She's been having black outs and Paul want her to let it be check out." I shook hands with Carlisle and Jasper. I tried to look him in the eyes but it was like he was avoiding it. Carlisle let me to a room with all kinds of doctor stuff. Paul, Alice and Jasper were downstairs. Paul probably being worried sick. "So you've been having black outs. Does it happen frequently?" Carlisle asked. "It never happened till two weeks ago. Now they come now and than." He nodded amd wrote it down. He procceeded to ask me questions and eventually told me his thoughts. "Well I don't think something is wrong. Just try to sleep a little more and try not to skip breakfast, lunch or dinner." Yeah we had the food talk. "Okay Doctor." I jumped of the bed and followed him downstairs. I hugged Paul from where he was sitting and ofcourse said, "I said it so. Nothings wrong. Just eating and sleeping." He just grinned. "What are you grinning about doofes?" I asked. "I'm just happy you're okay." I pecked his cheek. "Thanks for everything." I said again. This time I looked all of them in the eyes, Jasper failed in avoiding them and you guess it. I blacked out.

Blackout {Paul Lahote} <Twilight>Where stories live. Discover now