19. Stop screaming Christiana

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Delia just got executed. I was in my room when it all happened. I didnt want to see the woman I loved go up in flames. She still was my mother.

I don't know how long it has been since this morning but I have to get out. I stood up in my red dress and stepped out of the door. They can burn for letting me cooked up in this room. I folllowed the hallway to the little garden Jane showed me. It looked beautiful.

Alec said he didn't want me this morning. Jane told me the reason was because I would stand higher on the foodchain and that I'm naypte his soulmate. He wants to save himself for her. Well i hope he finds her or not. I wouldn't mind. Jane does deserve it. Just like Leah does. She deserves the wordl for not letting me down. I think someone told her she couldn't tell me. I can forgive her. I just don't know if i can forgive Paul for the second time.

"Christy the coronation is tomorow you have to wear the green dress. Do it or Caius will be mad." Jane said from the other side of the garden.

"Please let me stay here for tonight. I swear I won't get drunk." She nodded and walked away. Nice now I can have alone time.

I thought for hours till it got dark. Beautiful the moonlight shining from the rosepettals. They look like the ones Paul gave me on our second date. Yes we've accually been on dates. I just don't like to brag about them.

Okay the first one was on the beach. We watched the waves hit the sand and the moon shone on us as we lay on our blanket. The second one was at the movies and after to a restaurant my favourite one. They were wonderfull. The day before the third I jumped of a cliff. Maybe I have to make it up to him. If I can pull that blackout on him again I win. I could see him and get him to get me away from here. Now Christy, just think. Concentrate.

Darkness, step forward and I was in Paul's head. I searched through his dreams to his consciousness. Finally I found it.

"Paul are you there?" I asked. I did as I had to and I saw him sitting upright.

"Christy are you here? I thought you couldn't come back. I thought you hated me." I walked to him slowly.

"O Paul, I could never hate you. You know that right? Yet you would hate me if you knew what I was doing." I whispered the last part but due to his super human hearing he heard it.

"How could I ever hate the love of my life. I'd rather have you be a vampire than dying. Even if that's the same thing." I frowned as he stood up.

"You would be okay with me being a vampire? With drinking humans dry and everything?"

"No you'd have to feed on animals and learn to control your thirst." I looked down. "Why would you ask that? Are you a vampire? Tell me you're still same old you? You even smell a bit like them, too sweet."

"No but I'm living with a few. They don't hurt me. They want to make me a princess and I think I'll do it."

"You'll become a princess of vampires?" He asked disbelive on his face. "You're afraid of them! How could you live with them?!"

"I was friends with Alice , Paul. I know not all vampires are bad. I won't scare away from a chance." I gulped down my fear. "I want to show you something Paul. Don't be afraid or mean or anything. I'll show you the favourite place of my new home. Close your eyes."


"Just do it."

I took his hand and pilled him with me into a new scene. I was into the secret garden. I took him towards a bench between the roses. They were red and pink roses with occasionally a white one. "Sit down here, and open your eyes." He opened them but didn't look around. He only looked at my face. I tried to see through his eyes. Look what he saw.

Blackout {Paul Lahote} <Twilight>Where stories live. Discover now