13. She was also quit scary

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"Hello princess. Hope you enjoy your last days with your friends. Before we make the title official." It was a different kind of dark this time. You know when you were little and you put your hands in fists and press them on your eyes and you see all kinds of colours, it was like that. Then suddenly I saw red everywhere and stepping out of the red came a woman in a beautiful black and red Victorian dress. She had black hair that came till her behind and glowing red eyes. She was beautiful to say the least. It was just mean, I felt jealous that I could never be that pretty. She was also quit scary.

"Who are you?" I asked. "I'm Delia, a vampire, a Volturi to be exact. We are the most important of all. I'm the one who let Aro activate your powers and lets you have these dreams. Or visons as I like to say since you're not sleeping." "Okay, than what did you mean with last days and making a title official?" "You'll be our princess once we make you one of us. The daughter of the Volturi, the mightiest girl in all of the world. You'll have to leave your friends yet that won't be a problem because they'll betray you anyway. Like they always do. Lying and leaving you to cry in your bed." "They won't ever betray me. Especially Paul. He promised." "And he never broke a promise? We both know he won't keep that promise. He just can't. Remember he said he'd never hurt you, he did just that three years ago. You'll just come to us and live a life without hurt as the most powerful princess ever." "No." I said. "I won't leave La push. My friends won't betray me. They'd never lie. How would you get me there anyway? It's not that you can presurre me into it. Where there is anyway." "There is Italy. The place where your parents are. If you won't come here in the next 13 days they'll be dead. I suppose you already know how a vampire kills their prey. Or should I show you?" She grabbed my hand and with one tugg we were in the marble room. "The throne room is beautiful, isn't it? This is where everything happens." The doors behind us opened and it felt like a warm stream going through me. "You'll get used to the feeling after a while." I saw people with the same red eyes as Delia all over the room and human people in front of me. The next thing I knew there were blood and screams everywhere from the people the, gulp, vampires attacked. "Please get me out of here." I said to Delia. Just before she tugged me back into the red one came toward me and I saw the jaws closing right in front of my face. "You'll come to us. Even if it's only to save your parents. Victorian will look good on you." She let go of my hand and disappeared into the red. "I won't leave my friends." I said before I was thrown back to earth.

I blinked a couple of times and saw the others just standing there. "Can we go Paul I need to go shower and pick up my clothes since you won't let me sleep at home." "You just blacked out Christy. Are you sure it is just food and sleep Carlisle?" Alice asked. "No, get Edward here as soon as possible. I need all eyes." "Okay I'll just go home now. Alice has my number for if you need to speak to me again." I took Paul's hand, waved and walked out of the door.

We got to my house before he spoke again. "What was that about?" I decided to play dumb. "What do you mean?" "With that bye. You just took off after you blacked out." "O that. I just don't want to talk about it." With that I walked inside, slamming the door doing so.

Blackout {Paul Lahote} <Twilight>حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن