14. I feel the same

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Sorry i haven't uploaded in a long time. Inwas on a schooltrip for school for i don't know how long. Plus before that i needed to learn. But now I'm updating more frequently since I'm planning on finishing the book in a few chapters to write. There are coming a lot of updates. Just less to write. Xxxx

I stept under the shower. The one place where I can actually think and where there's nobody trying to change me, my life, everything I once learned. I want to get back to where I always was when I was little. When it wasn't weird to skt on your daddy's lap or to make cookies with your mother before drinking hot milk and being read a bedtime story. Friends coming over without it being awkward as your parents dumped you two in the bathtub. When I was little it was easier. Now these blackouts are saying I have to go to Italy, become a vampire, a Volturi to be exact, and they'll let my parents go. But what if they don't have my parents? Than I won't have to go to Italy. I can stay human. I would be myself and everything would be okay. Okay I have to think.

I stepped out from under the shower, put it off grabbed a towel and ran to my room for my laptop. I opened the door and there was Paul. "Ahh!" I screamed. "How did you get in? I closed the door." "Spare key under the doormat. It has been there since we were little cause you refused to take your key with you. Claiming your parents were always home so it was needless. I just didn't want to go away in the middle of the fight. I can't leave you behind hurt." He put his head in his hands. "Paul I'm just tired. I don't want tofight either. Especially on our first day together." He picked his head up. "I love you, Paul. Don't forget that I can't stay angry at you." "You're the worst person ever to hold a grudge." He mocked me. "Haha. Now please leave the room. I need to change in a more appropriate clothing." He stood up pecked my lips and walked downstairs. How did he now I held a key there. I always have mine with me. Wait there's no key under the doormat. The only way in would be the window. He couldn't. How could he have come through the window?

I dresses in black pants and a purple blouse. If you hadn't noticed yet my favourite colour is purple. I slipt down the stairs on my socks without making a sound. Still when I touched the floor Paul already yelled from the living room. How could he have heard me? "Hey prince charming. Are you sleeping here?" I asked. "I thought you didn't want me too."  "I was just mad. I'd always want to lay beside you. I have a good feeling about you Paul. Like I have to be with you and it hurts to be mad at you." He took my hand and made me sit next to him. "You mean like a magnetic pull? I feel the same. Maybe even stronger." "Paul you know that's impossible don't even try to argue." "I have to go against you because I'm not lying. I promised and you don't feel pain when I'm away. It hurts to be away from you Chris." He put his arms around my shoulders and layed us down on my bed. The rest of the night we just cuddled, both of us not sleeping but not being fully awake either.

The next twelve days got by quit. Paul not leaving my side. I didn't sleep or just a few hours per night. I couldn't knowing that they had my parents and they could die any minute. I couldn't handle the feeling and it had caused little fights between me and Paul because he wantsd to know what was wrong. I couldn't tell him. He would be to worried. Plus he would never believe that vampires exist. It will be hard for him, he won't believe me or freak out, or both. I just can't do that to him. Luckely he had to go. He always disappears a few hours a day. It seems weird but you get used to it eventually. I just wanted he would be here when I need him. At the times I don't want to be alone because I can't handle it. I wish he was with me at those moments.

Blackout {Paul Lahote} <Twilight>Where stories live. Discover now