pihsdneirF : X

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Eri ran straight to him and stretched her hands up desperately. Mirio, being the softy he is, couldn't refuse and lifted her up to his chest which she buried her face in as soon as she was within reach.

"Everyone from 1-A, what are you doing here?" Mirio asked with his characteristic smile. Trying his best to conceal his slight dissatisfaction of them scaring little Eri.

"Senpai! We are here to visit Aizawa-sensei!" Mina said cheerfully raising her hand as if she was answering a teacher's question in class.

"Very well, we were heading there too," he said and walked past them.

Everyone looked at each other, colictivley wondering why Senpai seemed to be giving them the cold shoulder. But they decided to follow him either way.

They reached a room and opened the door to reveal a rather tattered Aizawa. Not that he normally looked better, but still.

"Sensei!" Mina and Kaminari jumped to the bed for a hug, only to be dodged by Aizawa that they ended up slamming their heads into a wall.

"We were very worried when we heard you were in a hospital," Ida exclaimed, worry obvious in his tone.

"But we are glad you are okay now," Kirishima added with one of his heartwarming usual grins.

Bakugou just tsked and turned his head in annoyance, while Todoroki was just standing there absentmindedly, clearly still thinking about that dream from this morning.

Aizawa sighed from the sudden burst of noise, not quite in a condition that allows him to put up with his students. But despite that, he smiled, just barely.

"Good to see you all so energetic," he said. Noticing the two who jumped at him earlier sitting on the ground pulling each other's hair..... for some reason.

"Sensei!" Mirio's voice turned Aizawa's attention to him and the little girl in his arms.

Eri turned her head hesitatingly. Her eyes beamed at seeing the one and only hero-san who rescued her. Mirio let her down to the ground and she walked over, very careful and aware of the noisy students who were staring at her uncomfortably, and looked Aizawa in the eyes.

She fiddled with her hospital gown nervously and was clearly tring to say something.

"Th- you," she whispered something inaudible.

She waited for a second before looking up from the floor she was so tensely staring at, to realize that hero-san didn't hear what she said. She bit her lips in anxiety, only to raise her small fragile hands and put them on Aizawa's casted arm.

"Thank you!!" She said this time loud and clear, getting a bit overwhelmed that she ran back to Mirio and hugged his leg to burry her face away.

Uraraka could feel her heart burst from cuteness. And despite not really understanding the full situation, she could tell her teacher did something heroic yet again.

Aizawa was slightly taken aback, not really expecting that from a traumatized little girl. No, maybe it was really because she was traumatized that his doings were very meaningful to her.

He gave out a light chuckle and waved with his cast.

"Don't mention it."


After a very long agonizing hour, his students finally left. Or rather got kicked out by a nurse for being too noisy. Only Mirio, Eri-chan and Mic, who dropped by with a dramatic entrance an half hour ago, were left in the room.

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