XXVIII: Curing the Incurable

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Mirio was bouncing his leg in distress, worry lacing his racing thoughts as he stood up. He knew that it was needed, he knew they had to do that sooner or later, but was Eri-chan really ready? Wasn't it too early for her?

No, this could rather be the perfect timing. Now that her brother was awake and her friend out of danger. Now that she was still a green branch, still fresh, malleable, still growing.

Still savable.

Her trauma was severe, but there is still something left to save. And that's exactly what she was doing in there.

Yet Mirio could only think about how petrified the little girl must be right now. Sitting alone on the huge couch with a stranger, feeling betrayed by those she entrusted her life to.

He stood up hastily, casually creeping closer to the door slowly in hope of hearing anything, acting as if he wasn't eavesdropping.

Just in case she was crying or needed his help. Yeah, just in case....


She can't believe how fast she just spilled out everything. She has always thought of herself as cautious, never able to survive with villains otherwise.

She has to admit how uncomfortable and restless she was feeling at first, trying to look at anything but the woman's shiny purple eyes.

Her therapist, Sachiko-Sensei, was middle-aged and dignified, something in this woman's vibe was able to set her at ease. She felt safe opening up to. She felt benignant, yet still dependable and strongly independent. Her voice mellow and soothing when she talked.

Her purple locks were tied back in a neat bun, her rectangular glasses sliding to the bridge of her nose, while she would occasionally push it back into place.

The room felt cozy and overall warm and welcoming. The walls coated with a faint relaxing sky-blue colour, having white clouds painted on the ceiling. Two big windows viewing a green field of roses made Eri feel less traped and more easygoing.

The distance between the soft, squishy couch Eri was sitting on and the chair of the woman was precisely calculated to make her feel both safe and heard at the same time. Thin curtains drifted in the mild breeze seeping through the cracked windows, giving the little girl a relieving sense of safety.

Whoever designed, and chose, this room for this particular usage knew exactly what they were doing.

Sachiko-Sensei hadn't forced Eri to talk at all, she started out with mere introductions and simple questions and answers from both of them. She said that they could start slowly, knowing deeply down that it could require several weeks, even months, for them to start having progress and addressing the serious, primary issues she had.

So it came out rather surprising to both of them as to how fast Eri was willing to share her trauma.

"Do you mind if I sit beside you?" The gentle woman asked cautiously, the clipboard in hand long gone, as she wanted the girl to form a closer bond with her rather than give her an impression of wanting to keep a professional distance between them.

Eri shook her head, showing her willingness to tolerate the woman's presence beside her own.

"Do you... want me to sit beside you?" She gave emphasis to the importance of Eri's will. The poor girl probably didn't get the chance to do that much in her life, being forced to adapt and conceal her needs in order to survive. But the woman wanted to gradually change that. She wanted Eri to start expressing her wants, start focusing on her wants. Acknowledging them, for a start.

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