XXXIV: The Traitor

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A/N: I would like to apologize wholeheartedly for the long wait. I had just stared medical school, and let me tell you, college is very VERY time and energy consuming!! 😭😭💔💔 Thus my time and energy had become very limited. I'm sorry to inform you that the updates may become much slower, but I still want to try to release a chapter every month. This story is by no mean discontinued, I plan on giving it the steady and satisfying ending it deserves, so no rushing either. With that being said, I hope you have enough patience to stick with me until the end!! 🥺❤️ Thank you for your support and always encouraging comments! 😌🥰

To the chapter now...

It was getting suffocating.

That was not what they had agreed to. It was only information to provide, not planting trackers and listening devices at all!

And now they were demanding a location?

They can't have that. It's too dangerous.

It's too dangerous for the kids.


Don't forget what's at stake here. Shigaraki's malicious voice echoed disturbingly.

Clenching their teeth, the person knew what they ultimately had to do, no matter the consequences...


Upon arriving after a long tiring day at U.A, the facility was oddly and utterly silent. Aizawa had expected doctor Sachiko to be having a session with Eri at this time, and Matsuda should arrive any second now.

The hero stealthy crept closer to inspect where everyone was.

He was relieved to see Eri in nurse Akashi's arms, both slumped on her bed and diving into deep, peaceful sleep. The older male could have probably used his quirk on both of them, since he had gotten permission from Aizawa in advance to do so if he had deemed it beneficial for the sleep-deprived Eri-chan, who had been occasionally plagued by nightmares at night.

They won't be waking up for a while, if that really was the case.

Nurse Akashi and Eri had surprisingly grown closer. The timid, meek nature of the man making it easier for Eri to feel at ease around him.

Izuku was as usual, propped up in his bed with an oxygen mask. An empty bowl of soup sitting on the bedside table indicating that his appetite had fortunately gotten better.

Yet one fact managed to disturb the observing hero.

Where was nurse Yuki?

Right on cue, he whipped his head towards Matsuda's office when he heard a soft thud coming from inside.

Matsuda was expected here today, yes, but not before Shouta.

Without sparing any second, Aizawa found himself flinging the door wide open, only to reveal the woman he had been suspecting this entire time.

Nurse Yuki, who was in the middle of taking out medical files from the drawer, startled violently and fell backwards in her kneeling position.

Aizawa didn't need any more evidence to sprint into action, grabbing his capture weapon and restraining the nurse before she could attempt escaping or any other threatening action.

"It was you! The mole from the hospital. I can't believe we trusted you and brought you right here ourselves. Have you already contacted the villains? Have you given them our location?!" Aizawa was usually a collected man, yet since he practically took guardianship over those two children, he found himself losing his temper more often than not.

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