XXXVII: To Remember, to Forget

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"It must be his quirk, right?"

Aizawa was startled when Bakugou asked in the middle of the eerie silence, seemingly all calmed down and composed now.


"Deku. He said he took my memory. It must be his quirk, then," he explained.

Since they had discovered the immortality, Aizawa had assumed that it was Izuku's quirk, and therefore never asked him about it. He hadn't expected Izuku to have more than one quirk.

Maybe it was the villains' doing.

"He won't give them back." Bakugou interrupted his train of thoughts once more. The teen was obviously upset and on edge, his fists clenching and unclenching repeatedly.

"Maybe he can't. Maybe his quirk is only to take memories. Maybe it takes them and discards of them forever, while he himself cannot retrieve them back. We don't know how it works." Eraser tried to reason, yet he was sceptical about all of his suggestions. He simply didn't have enough information to form any theories as of now.

"No. He said that I was remembering. And I know I was seeing weird visions. It can't be a coincidence that he was in all of them." Bakugou was certainly smarter and more logically analytical than he looked.

A thought flashed through Shouta's mind at hearing what was said.

"Bakugou. When did you exactly start to remember for the first time?"

Katsuki took a moment to think the question through. He fished his phone from his pocket and flashed a quick look at the date.

"The first time, I couldn't remember what I saw, I brushed it off as a wired dream. It was about... 52 days ago..."

52 days. The rescue. The ambulance.


"The next was more clearer and repetitive. When I was visiting mo-, the mental hospital, exactly a month ago..."

A month. Doctor Tanaka. Missing organs.


"And since then, small glimpses kept reappearing in my head. And it had been especially vivid since two weeks ago."

Two weeks. Scalpel. Tracker. Blood.

Almost dying.

That couldn't be a coincidence, could it?

The memories were coming back as a drawback, Shouta concluded.

A drawback to dying.


While Bakugou continued for an unknown reason to hang out in the facility, Aizawa had a different issue in mind.

While he wanted to discuss his findings with Dr. Matsuda, that had to wait until the doctor would come over tomorrow.

Because as of now, he had to talk to nurse Yuki.

He felt guilty and wanted to apologize, absolutely, but the persistent nagging in the back of his mind wouldn't stop until he gets to know why she was acting suspicious if she wasn't the traitor.

"May I have a moment?"

Yuki looked up to the door frame of her room where the hero was standing, putting the bottles of medicine she has been preparing down and giving the man a quick nod.

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