1-Juniper Ward

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I wish I had a fucking life. All I do is eat, sleep, school, and cry.

I'm studying right now on my carpet because fuck desks. I'm on the verge of committing arson or murder because who in their right mind assigns 7 pages of calculus the weekend before summer break. Like damn.

My phone rings from across the room, interrupting my music. "Fuck" I yell.

I pick it up. "Heyyy."

Good lord.

"Hey, why'd you call?" I ask mia, who is the girl that called me.

"Well, it's almost summer and Emma is going to Italy and I want to go to but my mom said I needed to go with someone. So do you want to go to Italy? I mean we aren't going to really hang out because imma be Emma but if want to like come and find something for you to do that's fine." She rambles.

I'm going to kill myself.

Mia and I have been friends for a long time, I mean a long time, but we never really clicked. It was more of our moms being friends and we had to hang out. Anyway, she was kinda mean to me so you can see why we aren't that close. And I don't really do anything with her unless our moms make us. This is one of those times.

"Yeah, id have to ask my mom but I guess that's fine. I didn't really have plans for this summer anyway." I said knowing fully that my mom already knows and is probably coming to tell me I have to go.

"Cool, I'm text you the details." Then she hangs up.

Well this is going to be a interesting summer.

The week passed so slow that it felt like a year, not a week.We will be leaving tomorrow morning so we get there by the afternoon, then we go to the hotel and we stay there for a month.

My room is a fucking mess and I have to clean it up and pack, I put on some music on and grab my suit case. I throw some shorts, pants, shirts, and the other crap you need, oh and my books into it. It was already 9:23 by the time I was done so I got ready for bed.


"Juniper Tulip Ward get your ass out of bed you are going to miss your plane." My mom shouted at me

"Ok, ok I'm up" I rolled out of my bed and put on a crop top as well as a pair of sweatpants.

"Mia's waiting outside for you."

"Bye mom, I love you."

I get into mias car and we drive to the airport, when we board then plane I see a very attractive man that looks about 19 siting in first class. He had dark wavy hair and piercing green eyes, he was intimidating and strong, he seemed like he was mean and way to cocky, he was wearing a long sleeve button up but I could see tattoos on his right hand so I'm guessing he has a lot of them. He seemed really annoyed that he was here and maybe even a little scared.

We landed and went to the hotel. It was beautiful, it had gold pillars in the front and chandeliers inside, our room was so big, it also had two king sized beds and and giant bathroom with a Jacuzzi that I know I will be using later.

Mia's rich. Like rich, rich. Sad to say but I don't mind being friends with her when she takes me on trips like this. I really wish I could not care that she had money but what can I say, money really does buy happiness. But let me phrase, I am not friends with her because of her money, I just happen to be friends, ish, with her and she just happens to have money.

Maybe this trip won't be so bad.


This is edited like so much it isn't even the original plot, my bad.

Also it's so short.

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