Chapter 1 - Tris POV

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I wake with a painful headache. I check the time. It's 6:30. I lay in bed until I hear my alarm ring at 7. I dash into the shower and change into tight black pants, a black V-neck t-shirt and black laced up ankle-high boots. I run my comb though my blondish-brown hair and tie it in a simple ponytail. I drag my purple suitcase down the stairs to kitchen and grab a piece of toast. Caleb, my brother, is already at kitchen table dressed in his blue sweater vest.
"Hey Caleb," I say to him, smiling.
"Hi Tris. Are you excited to go to boarding school," he asks me grinning
I grin back in response, feeling nervous inside. Mom walks in and gives me and Caleb a big hug
"Okay, Tris you'll catch the bus at 8:00 and your brother will catch the 11 O'clock bus," she says nervously running her hands in circles.
"Mom don't worry about us," I say, giving her a fleeting smile before picking up my bag and leaving.
I walk to the end of the block and I'm just about to cross the road, when I hear a shout.
"Hey! Watch out!"
I quickly look around before I spot a bus hurtling at me. I dive out of the way, back onto the pavement.
"Hey, are you alright?" asks a boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes.
"Yeah. Thanks!" I say out of breath. "I'm Tris."
"I'm Peter," he tells me as helps me onto the bus.
I slide into a seat and he follows me.
"Are you new, Tris?" he asks his blue eyes questioning mine.
"Yes." There's an awkward pause where he just stares at me, before I quickly sprout a conversation.
"So, how's the school?" I ask him.
"Oh um... Yeah," he says.
He is still staring at me.
"Ur... What was the question?" he asks frowning.
"Never mind," I mutter.
Peter has now taken out his phone and is texting someone. I decide that he isn't going to bother to talk to me, so I just look around the bus. There are a couple of giggling girls opposite us, who are clinging on to one another and sending flirtatious waves towards Peter. He just grins into his phone and keeps texting. There's a lot of noise coming from the back of the bus, which must be the most popular part. I look back to see a pretty girl with wavy brown hair making out with a handsome blond haired boy. There are many wolf whistles and giggles coming from the back. A few rows behind me are two boys fake puking into their hands as they look towards the pretty girl and the blond boy.

The bus ride is long at takes at least three hours. I don't have much to do. Peter hasn't said a word to me and has now shifted himself in his seat to talk to the girls, who are flirting with him. Laughter that is mixed with music is echoing from the back of bus. The pretty girl has stopped kissing the boy and is now talking to a bunch of intrigued looking girls.

When we finally arrive, everyone is in a rush to get of the bus. I don't know where Peter went, probably went to find his friends. I find my bag in a pile with the rest of the girls bags. We are all shunted into wooden building. There is a long hallway with four doors. A girls dormitory and a girls bathroom and a boys dormitory and a boys bathroom. I follow the gaggle of giggling girls to the third room on the right. I drag my suitcase into the dorm as people push past me and shout out to their friends. The dorm is quite big (probably to hold the capacity of all the girls). I'm one if the last girls to enter the dorm and everyone is already dumping their stuff on beds and saving beds for their friends. The dormitory had a large fireplace in the corner of the room, with large brown couches. All the beds are in rows. There are single beds and bunk beds. There is a mini fridge with a water jug on a coffee table. I heave my suitcase on the fluffy brown carpet as I search for an empty bed. Most of the girls have thrown their stuff on their beds and are now staring at me as I walk to the last single bed. I sit on the bed and unlock my bag. There is a bunk bed to my left and my bed is pushed into the wall. I unpack my bag and I'm done before anyone has started. I sit on my bed, looking around. The girl on the top of bunk bed next to me is the girl with the wavy brown hair and the girl on the bottom of the bunk had a shiny yellow top on that clashed with her back and red hair. Both girl were giggling as they unpacked their bags, throwing their stuff around. The single bed across from me is occupied by a pretty girl with olive brown skin and short black hair. She has a huge make up bag in front of her that she is rummaging though. She looks up at me.
"Hey! Are you new?" she asks abruptly.
"Yeah," I say smiling.
"Cool! I'm Christina. What's your name?" she asks hoping of her bed and coming towards me.
"I'm Tris. That's a huge make up bag," I say say nodding my head towards her make up bag.
"Well yeah..... You gotta look pretty, right?" she says grinning.
I grin back and ask.
"So, when's lunch?" I ask trying to make a conversation.
"Well we have an hour to unpack and then another hour of free time," she tells. "Anyway do want to come with me for a walk?"
"Oh.. Yeah, sure I'd love to," I say eager to make friends.
Christina and I walk out of the dorm into the hallway.
"You know what?" she says stopping abruptly. "I like you. I'm goin to introduce you to my friends," she says pretty honestly.
We walk to the boys dorm and even though we're not allowed to go into the boys dorm, there are plenty of girls mixed in, sitting on the boys beds.
"Hey! Uriah, Tobias, Marvel, Cato, Finnick, Peeta come over here!" she yells at a group of boys chatting.
All the boys come over to me and Christina. They smile at me and one of the boys ask me before Christina can say anything,
"What's your name?" says the boy that I think is Finnick.
"Tris," I say nervously.
"That's a nice name," says another boy winking at me. He has handsome blue eyes and blond hair. I realise he was the boy on the bus making out with the girl.
"Thanks," I say smiling.
"You know you're very pretty," says the boy named Cato.
"Cato! You can't just say that!" shouts Finnick astounded.
"Yes I can Finnick, if it's true," he shouts back.
I blush crimson and ring my hands in circles hoping that Christina will say something soon, but she just stands there giggling.
"So... Tris. Do you like it here?" asks Marvel snapping the silence.
"Yeah. It's nice," I say smiling.
We all stand there looking at each other. Until Marvel says he needs to unpack and they all leave grinning at each other and laughing. I wonder what is so funny. Me and Christina are about to leave when we here a shout.
"Hey Tris!"
I spin around and spot Peter waving me and Christina over. Uriah, Tobias, Marvel, Cato, Finnick and Peeta watch Christina and I walk over to Peter.
"Sorry for leaving you at the bus Tris. Anyway do you want me to show you around?" he asks giving me a winning smile.
"That's okay," I say "Christina is showing me around,"
All the boys that were staring at us, now turn away scowling and Christina and I head out for lunch.

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