Chapter 13 - Tris POV

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Katniss talks to Johanna for a bit, while Annie, Christina and I exchange nervous glances. Johanna gives Katniss a hug and says something to her quietly. They come towards us.
"I'm going to bed," says Katniss glumly.
I check my watch. It reads 4:31am. I've been awake all night. Chris and Annie mummer something about doing the same and Annie heads to the bathroom to change out of her dress. I lie down on my bed with my hands behind my head. Chris and Annie fall asleep in about 5mins, but I know Katniss is still awake from her fake snores. I can't fall asleep. For about an hour of trying to go to sleep, I give up and decide to get ready for my classes. By the time I've tied my hair in a ponytail, all the girls are awake. Katniss is sitting on her bed, looking down at her phone. Her eyes are still red, she must have been crying. I leave the dorm. I bump into Peeta, who is hovering at the girls dorm door.
"I don't think Katniss wants to talk to you," I say with disgust.
"Tris, please, tell her that we need to talk about it," he says desperately.
"Sorry," I say not apologetic at all.
He's about to say something, but I push past him and continue to breakfast. There's only one other person sitting at an empty table. I check the time, 6:15. Since I have no where else to sit, I take a seat at Peter's table. He looks up from his phone,
"Hey Tris,"
"Oh.. Hi," I reply.
"Why are you here so early?" he asks, putting away his phone.
"Well, you know, with Katniss and all," I say, presuming that he has already heard of Katniss's and Peeta's break up.
He nods casually.
"Um...Tris.... Would you mind doing a favor for me?"
"Yeah sure, what?" I ask.
"Well, I don't have a car and I'm working part time at the Dauntless Diner, I was wondering whether you could give me a lift. I mean just for today, Drew and Molly are busy, you're really my last option," he says quickly.
"Why can't you just walk?" I ask suspiciously,
"Ur...... I sprained my ankle yesterday,"
There was an awfully big pause between 'ur' and 'I'. But, I agree. It would be nice to get away from all this drama between Katniss and Peeta and besides I shouldn't really be getting involved, I mean I don't know them that well. And it will be cool to hang out with Peter, if that's what he wants to do.

Divergent and Hunger Games HighDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora