Chapter 12 - Johanna POV

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I watch Katniss walk of tears shinning on her face. Peeta pushes me of him and runs after Katniss shouting her name. I stand there in shock, until I realise what just happened. Shoot! I kissed Peeta Mellark, Katniss's boyfriend! No wait,..... I didn't kiss him. He kissed me! I remember, he just walked up to and I started talking to him and he just leaned in and kissed me! Idiot! I snap out of my 'trance' and run after Katniss and Peeta. Katniss is sitting, leaned against the outside wall of the girls dorm, crying. I find Katniss before Peeta and I'm about to go comfort her, when I see Peeta coming down a hallway he sees Katniss and comes to sit next her.
"Go away," she croaks at him.
"Katniss-"he whispers.
"I don't want to hear your excuses! I don't how long you and Johanna have been dating, but I just saw you kiss her! So..... Just Peeta get out of my sight!" she yells.
"Then Katniss, please! Give me a second chance," he says.
"Are you kidding me Peeta?! We've been dating for two years now and you want me to give you a second chance after I just saw you kiss another girl!"
"Katniss-" he says grabbing her arm as she made to get up.
"Don't touch me!" She yells, her voice now shaking.
Peeta's moment of shock is enough for Katniss to quickly get up and storm of into the girls dorm. My stomach sinks. I've been one of Katniss's best friends and now I probably won't ever talk to her again. Peeta spots me and makes his way over to me.
"You know you could have just told her the whole situation," I say.
"She wouldn't listen. Anyway I hope you convinced Finnick," he says sadly walking away.
That's why he kissed me! I was trying to make Finnick jealous so he'd ask me out and Peeta had been a good friend and helped me with that. That's why he kissed me at the diner and after nearly tried to drown himself. I have to explain this to Katniss! This isn't even Peeta's fault. The girls dorm is locked though and I left my key inside. Well isn't that great! Katniss has probably told the whole dorm that I'm a dirty, cheating, mean, friend who kissed her 'boyfriend'.
"Katniss! Let me in!" I shout though the door.
The door opens halfway and Katniss stands at the doorway. Her eyes are red and her hands are in her pockets.
"Hey," I say.
"Hey," she says talking to her shoes.
"Katniss, listen. You should know that-"
But she cuts me of.
"Johanna, I forgive you. I know that the whole thing was Peeta's fault and he probably made you kiss him. You my best friend and I know you wouldn't do that," she says still not looking at me.
"No but Katniss, Peeta didn't do-"
But she cuts me of again.
"Johanna, let's not talk about Peeta. I'm not his girlfriend and he's not my boyfriend, there's no more to talk about," she says lifting her head to look at me. Tears are streaming down her cheeks.

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