Chapter 19 - Katniss POV

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Me and Annie are going to go to shops this weekend. I think a couple of the others are also going, but me and Annie are going together. Today's Friday and the teachers have started to give us a lot of homework. It's 8:00 and curfew is in an hour I'm finishing my maths homework with Tris. Well we aren't really doing it together, she's just sitting on my bed and doing her work. I know something's bugging her, because she keeps biting her bottom lip.
"Tris, are you alright?" I ask giving up on doing my homework.
She nods. But then blurts.
"I think I like Tobias, Katniss," she says quickly.
I smile at her. "Okay, but why's that bugging you,"
"I don't know whether I like him or not and I don't know whether I want to like him. I'm so confused, is that normal?" she asks stressed.
I pat her on the back consolingly. "Oh Tris, just give it some time. If you really like him then don't rush,"
"Thanks Katniss," she says and looks back down at her book.
"Tris?" I ask
"Mm?" she says not looking up.
"Can you help me with this question?" I ask.
"Yeah sure,"

Me and Annie are leaving for the mall at 10. Annie's wearing a green short dress and I'm wearing skinny jeans with a light red tank top. It's a 15 minute walk but we chat long the way. I tell Annie about the kiss with Gale. She seems really interested. I really don't know why I kissed Gale. He obviously likes me and he admitted it before when we played truth and dare, but I think I kissed Gale partly to make Peeta jealous p. Which makes no sense at all since I broke up with him. I guess I just miss him. It feels so good to tell Annie all this. She told me about the prank Tris and her played on Finnick. She also said that she still really likes Finnick. I remember that a few years ago they used to date, but something happened.

When we get to the shops Annie wants to get new blue high heels and I find a nice pair of brown heels. Then we go to a jewellery shop so that I can some new earrings. After an hour of shopping we both are really hungry so we head to the food court. On the way there we meet Marvel. He was also on the way to the food court. We walk and talk and end up at the topic of boys again. After badgering Marvel non-stop he confessed that he liked Glimmer and Annie told him that she liked Finnick. I guess whatever Marvel and Annie had before is over. Once we get to the food court, I offer to get our food and Marvel and Annie go to find a table. I line up in the line for Subway.
"Oh hey Katniss," says someone behind me.
I look around, it's Tobias.
"Hey, Annie and Finnick are here, wanna sit with us,"
"Yeah sure," he says.
I make our order and wait on the side with Tobias. He's looking at something. Tris, of coarse. I was going to call out to her, but she was probably to far away to hear. I watch her find a table next to Finnick.
Me and Tobias pick up our food and go to look for Marvel and Annie.
We find them at a table chatting animatedly.
"Oh hey Tobias," says Marvel.
"Hey," says Tobias. Me and Tobias sit down across from Marvel and Annie.
I spot Tris and Finnick talking and I'm about to motion them over when Finnick looks up and sees us, sees Annie. He grabs Tris's shoulders and starts kissing her. I see Tris trying to pull away from Finnick, but she's unsuccessful. I watch Tobias as his gaze shifts to this scene. He has a hurt look in his eyes, but then sees Tris trying to pull away and realise that she didn't kiss him. Marvel swerves around in his chair to see what we are looking at. He sees Finnick kissing Tris and his eyes widen. I motion for him to get Annie out if here before she gets hurt. Marvel swings his arm around Annie's shoulder and gets up.
"Let's go get some more chips Annie," he says distracting her.
But Marvel gives himself away by looking back. Annie turns around and sees Tris and Finnick. I can she's literally fuming. She grabs her water bottle and as she walks up to Finnick, Tris manages to succeed in pushing Finnick away with a look of disgust on her face just as Annie tips the whole bottle of water on his head.
Finnick swears loudly as he says, "What was that for Annie?!"
I hear her yell back, "I thought you liked me Finnick, I guess I was wrong about you,"

Authors note (sorry for another one):
Hey Guys!
Sorry about the authors note, but I just read a really interesting and good book by @DivergentNidhi46. The books called Resurgent, for all of you a Divergent fans👍🏻👍🏻🎡4⃣6⃣! Please check it out it has an interesting storyline!
Thanks guys! Comment and like😜

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