Chapter 3 - Cato POV

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Peeta and I have a plan. I asked him to tell Katniss to invite everyone over for a party, then at the party Peeta is going to suggest that we play truth or dare. When it's his turn to dare/truth someone he'll dare me and I'll pick truth. He'll ask me what girl I would date and I'll say 'Tris' and right there I'll ask her out. And of cause she'll say yes. I can't wait. I decided to have the party today because I saw the boys eyeing her and if I don't act soon she'll be dating someone. I'm just leaving the cafeteria and entering the hallway when I see Tobias talking to Tris. I walk faster and creep up behind them so they can't hear me.

"So, Tris are you coming to the party?" Tobias asks her.
She nods. "What do you think I should wear?" she asks him.
"Anything, you look pretty in anything," he says giving her a wining smile.

Great. Just great. I think. He's flirting with my 'girlfriend'. I'm just about to introduce my presence when. Tris speaks.
"Thanks," she says blushing furiously as she disappears into the girls dorm.
Tobias spots me and blushes too. He walks to the boys dorm and enters leaving me standing alone.

A couple of minutes later I disappear into the boys dorm. I go for a shower and decide what to wear. I decide on a white shirt and I roll up my sleeves. Katniss's party starts at 10 when all the teachers have gone to bed. I sit on my bed counting down the hours till ten. I watch Tobias fuss over what to wear with jealousy. Peeta and Finnick chat for a long time before they go for a shower. 9:00. The teachers come in to tell us it's curfew. 10:00 and Uriah, Tobias, Peeta, Finnick, Gale, Marvel, and I head to the girls dorm.

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