Chapter 23 - Christina POV

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I'm looking over Clove's shoulder. She's texting someone. Cato. Awww.....
"Clove.." I whisper in her ear.
She jumps, nearly dropping her phone as she slams it shut. She's blushing furiously.
"You weren't supposed to see that," she says stuffing her phone into her back pocket.
"But I did," I say slyly.
She shoves past me and starts walk to where the boys are standing chatting quietly. I see Cato look up at Clove and wink, Clove looks like a red tomato blushing as she turns on the spot and walks back to where I stand then changes her mind and goes to Glimmer whose reading Top Model.
We're all standing at the back of the cafeteria waiting for Tris to come, the new modelled Tris. I bought her a new dress and heels and forced her (for $20) to wear it. The dress is something that, well Tris would never wear unless she and the dress were the last things left on the Earth and she was clothes less. I mean NEVER.
I forced, I mean politely asked, everyone to wake up early before anyone got her, stand at the back cafeteria and tell me I'm a genius when they Tris. They did it gladly, okay, okay I paid $5 each.
Uriah has fallen asleep on the cafeteria table (it's only 6:14), Glim and Clove are hovering over the Top Model magazine giggling like crazy, Tobias, Zeke, Peter, Cato and Finnick are talking quietly, leaning against the back wall, Johanna, Katniss and Annie are playing solitaire on my Ipad. Am I the only one who sees Tris walk in? She looks spectacular (A/N ;) Spectacular Now) she wearing the blue flowing dress with the black ribbon tied on the back, not to fancy, she wearing the black 3inch high heels. She walks up behind Katniss and says,
"You've got a king put there," she says pointing to something on the screen.
Katniss turns around, "Tris! You look great and where do I put the king again?"
"OMG TRIS!!!!" I say running up to her.
"You look hot Tris, er I mean you look okay?" says Tobias.
"Thanks, can I have my $20 now?" she asks.
"Finnnnneeeee, but you have to stay in this for the rest of the day," I say handing her the money.
"No way!" she says taking the money and walking back out the cafeteria door.
"Hey! Give back my money then!" I shout after her.
I sigh. "Did anyone take pics?" I ask.
"Oh yeah! I got some," said Tobias holding out his phone.
"Cool send them to me," I say suspiciously, what's with Tobias these days?
"So why did you make her try on that dress?" asks Glim.
"Oh I was trying to get her a date, but don't tell her that or she might blow up of something," I say casually.
Tobias and Finnick stop talking and stare at me.
"Nothin," says Finnick pulling Tobias out of the cafeteria.
Okay, that was weird?

9:00 Breakfast:

People start trailing in around 9:00. Finnick comes back with Tris and Tobias. Tris has changed into her normal clothes, a black shiny top, shorts and flats. Principal Abenathy shouts loudly to silence all the chatter.
"Okay everyone, you've got exams tomorrow! Surprise!" he says in his booming voice.
There's an outburst of chatter and yells. Great. I suck at exams, especially spelling. Way to spring on us.

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