Chapter 14 - Katniss POV

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Obviously I'm upset with Johanna and with Peeta, but Johanna is my best friend and I know she meant no harm. But right now I could just stab Peeta. (Using my imagination) We've been dating for two years and then he asks for a second chance! Anyway, I've been putting as much space between Peeta and Johanna as I can. Tris has been kind, getting me over the breakup. I think she understands why I never going to talk to Peeta again and why I think he is an idiot. She never makes me talk about the breakup, unlike Chris who keeps badgering me for details. We talk about makeup and Tris does her best to listen to me blabbing away about different types of lipstick (even though I can see she about to fall asleep). Tris tells me about her conversation with Peter, mostly to shut me up about this purple shiny lipgloss. I tell Tris not to go, but she insists on going. I still have a bad feeling about this. I mean if Peter had a 'sprained ankle', why isn't he on crutches? So I tell Tris that I'll come along with her. She argues with me, but finally she gives in.

An hour later I get into Tris's car, a black Clio. I sit in the front so Peter has to take the back. He seems especially grim when he sees me.
"Why is Katniss here?" Peter asks Tris as soon he sees me.
"She coming with us. It doesn't really matter," says Tris firmly.
Peter shrugs and slides into the back seat. Tris drives in silence, until we reach the Dauntless Diner and she speaks.
"Get out Peter or do you want me to carry you inside so you don't hurt your ankle anymore?" she asks.
"Oh yeah, that would be great," says Peter smirking.
Tris's face turns blank, she was clearly not expecting that response.
"Just get out!"
"Okay, okay, but can you and Katniss come with me," he asks.
Tris rolls her eyes and I shrug. We hop out of the car and walk though the door.
All the lights turn on and there is an outburst of confetti.
"SURPRISE!" yells different voices.
Oh my god! I completely forgot that it was Tris's birthday today! That's why Peter asked her to drive him.
Everyone rushes over to embrace her and yell happy birthday over the uproar.
"Happy Birthday Tris," says Tobias wrapping his arms around her.
I can see she's about to push him of her, but she hesitates and returns his hug, grinning.

Happy 4/6!🎉

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