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Hey u guys!
Thanks for giving my friend 105 reads!!!!! As I is your extra long chapter!!
<4 :)


I stand, shocked. Peeta and Tris?! When did this happen?

"Are you okay Tobias?" smirks Peeta moving his hand from Tris's shoulder to her waist.

I clench my teeth, "Yes, I'm fine. Shall we go?"

"Yeah, let me just quickly change," says Tris who's still wearing sweatpants.

She usually goes for a run at this time(NO, I do NOT stalk her, I just happen to know her schedule). She leaves the hallway and enters her dorm, leaving me, Peeta, and Alexia all standing in an awkward circle. Alexis is wearing butt-short shorts and an orange top. After five minutes of waiting around, Tris comes back. She looks INCREDIBLE, she must really like Peeta to put that much effort :(

She's wearing a short, tight, backless purple dress. Her hair is still wet from her shower, but regardless she looks WAY better than Alexis.

"Let's go," she says.

Peeta leads the way and I follow him to the bus stop. We get on the bus just in time. We all sit at the back of the bus. Peeta's arm is still wrapped around Tris's waist. This is seriously bugging so put my arm around Alexis.

I know why Peeta is doing this. He's had a crush on Alexis even before Katniss came into the picture. I didn't want to make him mad or anything, Alexis was just the closest girl to me at the time we set the dare. But I'm starting to notice that she's a tiny bit clingy. She keeps trying to turn my face towards hers, but I can't stop looking at Tris and Peeta.

Tris and Peeta start talking about something and Tris laughs her gorgeous laugh. I look away from the two of them. Alexis is caked in makeup. Heavy orange eyeliner, red eyeshadow, and an enormous amount of foundation. She tries to kiss, but I tilt my head away from hers. Tris laughs again. I've had enough. I push Alexis against the window and kiss her, trying to be as loud as possible in order to get Peeta's attention.

I hear their conversation falter, and I get the feeling that they're watching. Alexis is a really bad kisser, but I don't care, I persevere on.

Peeta clears his throat, "Tobias," I don't answer, "Tobias. Tobias, this is a public place,"

I don't break away from the kiss. We kiss for another three minutes before I break away for a breath. I forcefully breathe really hard just to make Peeta extra annoyed. I notice him clench his fist. I raise my eyebrow giving him a silence message,"Game on. GAME ON."

Alexis grabs my shirt and pulls me in another long kiss. By the time we reach the city, I'm completely breathless. We hop of the bus.

"We have to walk a bit to the restaurant," says Peeta looking at the map on his phone.

We start walking down the street, Alexis hanging tightly on my neck. After five minutes of walking, one of Tris's heels snap of the rest of her shoe.

"Oh shit," she says picking up the heel, "it's completely broken,"

"Here," says Peeta, "I'll give you a piggyback ride the rest of the way,"

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