Chapter 25 - Will POV

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I leave breakfast in a hurry for pre calculus class. The others hang back, all standing round the table chatting. When I first heard the news bout Mar and Uriah, I was a bit behind date cause I don't usually go on Insta often. I just actually recently won a medal (first place if I may say so myself😏) for solving a highly challenging problem that is frowned apron by many great mathematicians. Anyway I posted that quite recently, yesterday in fact, on Insta, gaining 11 likes👍🏻😏. Anyway I didn't realise the whole dilemma between the two, Mar and Uriah, but I can tell Uriah is quite embarrassed bout the whole thing and I think Mar is too. I hate to see her like that. I haven't told anyone but I have a secret crush on Marlene. She soooo funny and cute and sweet and always so cheerful. I plan to ask her out on a date but I never asked a girl out before and I'm scared that she'll decline me, so I've decided to ask Peeta for help. He has always been good with girls, well Katniss at least and Katniss loved him, well at least until they broke up 😁😁. But I'm sure Peeta will be help, he will help me figure out a way to ask her which she can't decline. Maybe fireworks or or some sort of balloon parade, I'll leave it up to Peeta, he's the genius.

I walk into the hallway and see Marlene walking to English Class. I catch up with and walk along side of her. Peeta told me before that I have to act cool around like we're just friends and then do something Marlene likes doing for the rest of the day I'm going to be a cheerful version of myself👍🏻. I straighten up my jacket and comb down my hair with my fingers.
"Hey Mar," I say cheerily.
"Hi ya," she replies a bit glumly which surprises me.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask her.
"Nothing," she mutters.
I frown and I'm just about to say something, but she turns into her classroom and leaves. I stand in shock at Marlene's attitude. Was it something I did??? I really really like, but I don't like this version of Mar!!! I want her cheerful, cute and overly friendly self back🙁.
I left my history books in my locker so I hurry before the bell rings. Along the way I see Tobias talking to Christina. I wouldn't have thought those two would ever get along and Tobias usually hangs around Tris. Weird. When they see me they abruptly stop talking. I frown, why is everyone acting so weird?!
"What's up guys?" I ask.
"Nothing." They both say quickly.
I raise my eyebrows, "really?"
They nod exaggeratedly. Okay, that's abnormal.
Tobias picks up his bag and leaves hurriedly, but Christina hangs around. She looks unsure about something. She shuffles her feet a lot and stares at the ground. Just as she's about to speak, the bell rings and she picks up her bag and leaves. What is wrong with me and what am I doing to make my friends act all weird??

I sit in history glumly, not concentrating at all. My friends behaviours keep bugging me and I don't feel like working. I write down the notes like a robot not even thinking about what I'm writing and I don't even realise Johanna whispering my name. I ignore and leave on the bell.
"What's up Will?" asks Johanna hurrying to catch up with me.
"Everyone is acting so weird today. I don't know what's going on."
"Oh," said Johanna.
She looks like she doesn't know what to say. After a couple of minutes she changes the subject.
"Can u take a pic of your history notes and send them to me?" She asks.
"Yeah. Sure." I answer.

I have a free period so I go back to the dorm and I meet up with Uriah.
"Hey," he says perkily.
He seems to be acting normally, I think.
"Hi," I say waving. "How was English?"
"Alright." He says and then suddenly gets excited bout something and rushes to tell me.
"Hey you know Kelly Manda?" He asks.
"Who," I say frowning.
"That really cute red head I take English with," he says.
"Oh yeah," I say.
"Well,"he says grinning," she asked me out!"
"Oh cool dude," I say hifiving him.
I wish I had that with Marlene, I think.
"What?" asks Marlene entering the room.
Oh no I must have thought that out loud.😁😁😁

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