Chapter 21 - Tris POV

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I'm putting my bag into my locker and putting my maths textbook away. I'm just about to shut my locker when I see Cato come up to me.
"Hey Ca-," I say, but he buts in.
"I'm sorry Tris isn't going to work out," says Cato quickly.
I frown. "Excuse me?" I say slamming my locker door and turning to him.
"We can't be together," he says.
I raise my fist to punch him, but then realise what he just said and drop my fist and burst into fits of laughter.
"What?" says Cato confused.
"I-I never l-liked yo-you!" I say though my laughter.
"I'm offended, but yet thankful that you didn't punch, Finnick broke his nose after you punched him," he says now grinning.
"Okay Cato," I say patting his back, "Why are you suddenly 'breaking up' with me?" I ask sarcastically.
"I'll tell you Tris, but you have to promise not to tell anyone," he says seriously.
I nod unsure.
"I l-like Clove," he says nervously.
"Oh well that's great Cato and I hope your relationship with her goes better t-than others," I say still laughing uncontrollably.
He frowns at me and says,
"No it's not great she likes Gale remember, truth or dare, ring a bell?"
Oh yeah! She admitted that she liked Gale! Oh, that must hurt, man!
I'm about to say some feeling stuff and that sort of junk to try and console Cato, but fortunately for me the bell rings for gym class and we both hurry of to the change rooms.

I meet the other girls at the change rooms and I tell about what just happened. They all find it as hilarious as I thought it was, but Clove doesn't say much.
"Omg, what a jerk!" says Shuanna who took the matter quite seriously, as she always did when it came to boys.
On the other hand Chris was laughing her head of like a maniac as she said,
"How can he be so stupid, Trissy doesn't like him, she likes Tobias,"
Okay, well that comment did tick me of a bit and I was a bit harsh on Chris.
"Shut up Christina! I don't like him! Just shut up!"
But luckily she didn't take it offensively.
"What are your thoughts Clove? You've been awfully quiet," I say
She seems to be making up her mind about something, then she takes a deep breath and utters quickly,
We all turn to her.
"No way!" says Glimmer astounded.
I make up my mind in split second. I pick up Clove lead her out of the girls change rooms, with her flailing the whole time, and place her in front of Cato.
"She likes you," I say to Cato.
"And he likes you," I say to Clove.
They look into each other's eyes and blush furiously.
Cato mouths a word of thank you to me, but that's what I do for, I guess, an alright guy like him.

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