Exams - Mixed POV

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Uriah's POV:
We're all sitting in the girls dorm the night before the exams. In silence. Total silence, all pondering what to do about the exams.
"We could cheat?" suggests Mar.
"No way!" shouts Finnick.
"Not happenin," says Annie, Tobias, Tris, me and Katniss all at the same time.
"Well we could 'cheat'," says Chris putting quotation marks around cheat in the air.
"What's the difference?" asks Tobias.

We listen to Chris and Mar's plan. They stated us into groups, those of us who are good at maths, science, history and English. Since the exams are all multiple choice and are math, science, history and English it's fairly straight forward. I must say that their 'cheating' technique actually is pretty ingenious. This is what they came up with:
For every exam they'll we'll use the group who's good at the subject, for example history.
The history whizzes will answer the question for us. How?, you may ask. Well they will do a discreet signal such as coughing to indicate that that's the correct answer.
Question A is a cough
B is a sneeze
C a head scratch
And D, stretching.
Exactly, quite awesome. We, I mean, I am going to ace these exams!!

Exams: Christina's POV

We're on our second last exam and my cheating technique is going amazingly, well except for the time Mrs Wu who thought Tobias had a flu during the maths exam because the answer was constantly B (sneezing) and sent him to the school nurse, but Tris did the rest of the answers.

We have the History exam and I'm the one who's giving the answers.
This may be a problem because I'm not that good at History. Okay I stink at history so we are all probably going to fail this exam.

I flip over the history paper and read.
Q1: Who invented the telephone?
A) Graham Bell
B) Graham Bill
C) George Washington
D) None of the above
I have no idea whatsoever. I think it's C, yeah definitely C because the other two are presidents. Yup got the answer. I scratch my head indicting to the others that the answer is C. They look confused for some reason, this is gonna be a long exam.

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