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Draco could feel his heart beat out of his chest as the sea of black walked into the destroyed courtyard. He hadn't seen his lover for what seemed like an eternity when really it had been only a few restless, horrid hours. The last time they talked, the last time they kissed flooded back into Draco's memory as he tried to hold back tears.

The death eaters walked closer, and visible, their leader, Lord Voldemort. There was a giant walking next to him with a bundle in his arms.

Draco knew who it was, of course he did. He could feel it when the Dark Lord hit him, the moment the emerald shined no more. He knew it, but couldn't believe it. All of his fears flooded into every fiber of his being and his heart burned to the third degree.

And then finally all movement deceased.

Draco's heart stopped as the snake like figure and his army was inside the walls of the demolished courtyard.

He swallowed just before the Dark Lord spoke.

And in that moment Draco Malfoy's heart was hurting so bad it was as if it was taken from his chest and shredded, only to be stuck together with needles and put back in its place again. Holding back screams in despair, he disapperated before anyone could hear him wince in the splitting of his own heart.


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